[net.religion] Concerning Christian Intolerance

hawker (03/26/83)

    I started this letter based on the article supplied  by  Geo
Swan, and I direct my first paragraph especialy to him:

    Geo:  I must  admit,  unfortunately,  in  many  respects  we
    Christians are on the intolerant side.  Part of the reason I
    am replying (and addressing this  to  you  directly)  is  to
    alleviate, if I may, your anxiety and apparent disgust.

    The apostle Paul told us in his letters to become  imitators
of  him just as he was an imitator of Christ Jesus.  This is not
a very easy thing to do, and I apologize (at least  for  myself)
if overzealousness gets under your skin.

    The problem is basically as follows:  Do we take  the  Bible
literally  or  not?  For the most part, we have to, otherwise we
are inserting private  interpretations  concerning  God's  Word,
which  both Peter and Paul warned us against.  If we insist upon
our own meanings rather than  diligently  searching  the  Scrip-
tures,  examining  the  context,  and cross checking one passage
with others (this is a lengthy process), then we will very  easy
take something out of context and mislead others.

    Now, not everything has a "literal" interpretation.  Some of
the  text  and illustrations, particularly those of the parables
and prophecies, were deliberately difficult-to-understand illus-
trations:   this was to hide the details until the correct time.
But with study, usually by someone who has made  many  years  of
effort,  most of these have been deciphered and we can watch and
have watched their fulfillment (for example, Matthew 24-25, Luke
21, and Mark 13 are happening right now).

    As  for  us  "overzealous"  Christians  (I  use   the   word
advisedly),  we  really  do not have a cause to be unduly proud.
If we read Romans 11 *very* carefully, Paul makes it  extraordi-
narily  clear  that *we* are saved by accident.  The only reason
Gentiles are converted to  serving  the  one  and  true  God  is
because the House of Israel (not Judah:  it currently resides in
the Middle East) had to be made jealous over their loss of favor
from  the Almighty (see Hosea, Isaiah 54 and 62, Ezekiel 37, and
take short jaunts through Ezra and Nehemiah).

    So you see, Christians are simply *another* calling  by  the
Father:   the  first  was  the Chosen People who will -never- be
forsaken, then the Christians, then others that  are  identified
in  Revelation.   The  problems  the  Chosen People have to deal
with, however, is that at the end of the Church age  (the  "rap-
ture", 1 Thes 4:16-18), the Christians leave but the Chosen Peo-
ple are still here during the Great Tribulation.

    (FLAME ON).  Please, Ladies and Gentlemen, I did not provide
this  information to give any of us extra ammunition against the
other side:  I would hope our principles of discussion are above
such  nonsense.   If you subscribe to the faith of Abraham, then
the Almighty will look out for you;  if  you  subscribe  to  the
Christian  faith,  then the Almighty will also look out for you;
if  you  subscribe  to  neither,  then  you  still  fit  in  the
Almighty's  scheme  somewhere,  whether  you'll  like the conse-
quences or not.  I remind all it *is* necessary to preach,  most
especially  to the House of Israel among us:  see Matthew 28:19-
20.  We should, however, make  such  practices  in  accord  with
Paul's advice, "to become all things to all people, that some of
them might get saved".  Being even slightly  hostile  won't  cut
it.  (FLAME OFF).

    Please direct anti-flames to:
            U.S. Mail (will be answered):
                    Thomas S. (Tom) Hawker
                    P.O. Box 3709
                    Gardena, CA   90247

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