[net.religion] Belated response to Dave Lee"s no contradictions

rtris (03/28/83)

This will be a (hopefully short) two point message.

Firstly J. J. from Illinois was responding the debated contradiction in acts
about Christ's appearance to Paul. Not getting into the issue here, I would
be curious to know what HEBREW sources he was looking at. It hardly seems a
slip, he repeated it several times. The original New Testament writings are
in GREEK. (Sorry to bother everybody with this but had to get it off my chest).

Secondly, I'd like to put a plug for the Moderate Majority. That is all those
Christians out there who, while they agree with what Dave Lee believes, and
deplore Jerry Fallwell as much as I (and anybody I know) do, but are staying
out of the recursive flaming. I just want to make sure that the impression that
is appearing that all Christians are rabid, fanatical, agressive, insensitive,
simple minded, etc. people who try to convert everybody they meet, whether 
they are interested or not is untrue. As per usual, it's the vocal majority
(sorry, that should be >minority<) that is setting the tone. This is not
to criticize anyone (Christian or non-Christian) in particular, but from
reading the rather intense messages from both sides, that impression (if not
stereotype) could easily come to reside in some people's minds.

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