[net.religion] Persons as God

sjk (03/30/83)

I can't restrain myself.  It irks me when I hear statements such as "Jesus
is/was God's only begotten Son" interpreted as if Jesus has some specialness
unavailable to anyone else.  Why is it that person-kind is so unevolved as
to accept multiple persons as "great leaders" throughout history, and yet
only believe it possible for *one* person to become "God made manifest"?  It
seems that an attitude such as "How does the Spirit manifest?" is much more
useful in bringing about the realization that God appears and will continue
to appear in multitudinous(sp?) forms.

I find all the chatter about interpretation of Biblical scripture amusing.
Step back a moment and become your favorite Biblical character, alive today.
You'd probably be saying something like "No!  This is what we meant!" and
then show the truth AS IT WOULD BE SHOWN TODAY.  Trying to provide absolute
interpretation is hopelessly culture-bound.  For example:

	"Know ye not that ye are gods?" (chapter/verse forgotten)

How do you feel about this?  Public and/or private correspondence on any
and all religious/philosophical matters is always welcomed!

scott kramer (ucbvax!sjk, sjk@ucbvax)

hutch (03/31/83)

Looks like the topics are heating up nicely.

Scott Kramer posted the original to this.  I will try to respond in a less
apparently hostile fashion than I have been told I do (what?).

Scott (and net in general), the Christian notion of God holds that He is
a person.  It also holds that He sends His Spirit to "indwell" some people,
that is, to live within them.  This differs from the popular notion of
"we are all god" and in Christian, and Jewish, tradition, God made us all
in His Image.  You would no more say that your reflection in a mirror is
you, than I would say that I am God.  The fact is, there have been many great
leaders and rulers, many people whose spirits were less flawed, who were
more LIKE the original than the majority of us are.  However, they remained
human and with human flaws.

I am sorry if it irks you, or anyone, that Jesus claimed to be the PERSON
of God.  That is unfortunate, but it is what He did.  This is an unique
claim, as none of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, or any of the modern cult
leaders, makes that claim.  A possible exception is the Rev. Moon, who has
demonstrated repeatedly that he is NOT the PERSON of God, but merely a very
pretentious man.

Great leaders are one thing.  They have their places in human history and
will make them if they don't already exist.  The incarnate God is another.

Incidentally, Scott, am I right in identifying you as a follower of the
Bahai' Faith?  You seem to be quoting the doctrine which I learned in
discussions with members of that faith in College.  If you are not, then
I apologise if my suggestion offends you.

Steve Hutchison