[net.religion] Absolute Morals

mikec (04/05/83)

  "4. Committed to the impossible task of deriving a measure
  without a standard. Even as distance, weight, and time are
  based on unchanging standards, so must the measure of
  morality be based on an absolute. ..."

  Larry Bickford, like all fundamentalists, prefers an absolute
morality to a relative one. Lets examine some of the morals that
a god supposedly gave us in the Bible. Even the fundamentalists
refuse to practice most of these anymore (loss of FAITH?). Just
how "GOOD", "JUST", "KIND", "LOVING" and "MORAL" is this god?

    God is a being of terrific character ... cruel, vindictive,
  capricious, and unjust.
                           Thomas Jefferson

  Exodus 12:29  God KILLS the first-born of every Egyptian family
                (even first-born cattle). This was a very common
                practice in primitive times. Check any book on

  Exodus 15:12..17  Moses sings a song saying God is WAR-LIKE.
                    God the great bloody warrior.

  Exodus 21:2..6  God endorses SLAVERY and explains His law.
                  Some other gods were against slavery. Which
                  gods are the good ones?

  Exodus 21:7  God tells Moses that a man can SELL his daughter
               as a slave. Biblical morals in action.

  Exodus 21:17  God states that anyone who curses his father or
                mother must be KILLED. Who among you would kill
                your own children?

  Exodus 22:18  God states that any witch must be KILLED. The
                evidence for witchcraft is zero but God is always
                as ignorant as his followers. One wonders why God
                made witches in the first place? I personally
                know more than one fundamentalist who claims "if
                God says that witches must be killed, then, THEY
                MUST BE KILLED!" (yet they don't know just what
                constitutes a witch). Millions of innocent women
                and children have been butchered by the pious
                fanatics over the centuries because the Bible
                says so. I will provide evidence upon request.
                The list is very long and not for weak stomachs.

  Exodus 22:20  God claims that anyone appeasing any other gods
                will be utterly DISTROYED. So much for religious

  Exodus 31:14..15  God says that anyone working on the sabbath
                    must be KILLED. After all, he had to rest on
                    the seventh day, so every else should too.

  Exodus 32:27  God tells Moses to KILL every man, his brother,
                his friend, and his neighbor. Biblical love?

  Leviticus 15:18  Sex is basically DIRTY. Why did God make sex?

  Leviticus 20:9  God states that anyone who curses his father or
                  mother must be KILLED. See Exodus 21:17 above.

  Leviticus 20:10  God states that anyone committing adultery
                   must be KILLED. Seems kind of extreme for
                   any interaction between consenting adults.

  Leviticus 22:18..25  God demands animal SACRIFICES. The animal
                       must be an unblemished male with undamaged
                       testicles. Sacrifice is made by burning.
                       This was very common in primitive times.
                       See any book on mythology. Why do some
                       people WANT to follow such asininity?

  Leviticus 24:16  God states that anyone committing blasphemy
                   must be put to DEATH. God just can't stand
                   any criticism (or is it his followers?).

  Leviticus 25:44..46  God sanctions SLAVERY and intends it to
                       last FOREVER. This is very convenient for
                       the Chosen People but bad for anyone else.

  Leviticus 27:28..29  God demands and receives human SACRIFICE.
                       Extremely primitive. See mythology texts.

  Numbers 16:49  God KILLS 14,700 men who were mourning for their
                 lost friends. Can't He stand the competition?

  Numbers 31:1..41  God DIRECTS and APPROVES murdering plunder.
                    The National Catholic Almanac says that God
                    is "... just, loving, merciful ..."; close?

  Numbers 31:17..18  God tells Moses to KILL all of the male
                     children and to KILL all of the non-virgin
                     women and to KEEP all of the virgin girls
                     as SLAVES and concubines. Holy Butchery.

  Deuteronomy 13:6..10  God commands a man to KILL his brother,
                        his son, his daughter, or his wife if
                        any of them differ with him on religion.
                        Religious tolerance? Talk about jealous!

  Deuteronomy 21:11..14  God tells Moses that a man may TAKE any
                         captured woman as a wife and if he does
                         not like her then he should let her go.
                         Women were little more than property. So
                         what's wrong with a little rape as long
                         as God says it's allright. Note that some
                         fundamentalist judges still let rapists
                         off easy because "the Bible says so".

  Deuteronomy 21:18..21  A disobedient son must be stoned to
                         DEATH by the city elders. Why is God
                         always killing his children?

  Deuteronomy 22:20..21  God says that any bride who is not a
                         virgin must be stoned to DEATH by the
                         men of the city at the door of her
                         fathers house. Proof of virginity is
                         the bloodstained sheet. Note that God
                         doesn't require a groom to be a virgin.
                         Who made this law; some men or a god?

  Joshua 6:21  Gods people (with His help) utterly DESTROY all of
               a city. They KILL all men, women, children, oxen,
               sheep, and asses with swords. More Biblical love.

  Joshua 24:13  God BOASTS about giving the Jews property that
                they had not earned. If you have been Chosen then
                you need not "earn" anything. God will provide.

  Judges 11:30..39  Jephthan burns his only daughter to DEATH
                    to keep a pact with God (human sacrifice).
                    You don't break any contracts with God.

  1 Samuel 15:2..3  God tells Samuel to utterly DESTROY Amalek.
                    Kill every man, woman, child, baby, ox,
                    sheep, camel, and ass. God has a real taste
                    for blood of all kinds.

  1 Samuel 18:27..28  With God's help David KILLS 200 men so that
                      he can buy a wife with their foreskins. So
                      this is why God made foreskins! Also for
                      cutting off. (I escaped this one. Whew!)

  2 Samuel 21:1..9  God DEMANDS and RECEIVES human sacrifice.
                    Why is it that all those other "primitive
                    religions" are founded on mere myths and
                    the Christian Religion is not (even when
                    virtually every miracle and god-like event
                    recorded in the Bible can be found in far
                    more ancient religious mythology)?

  2 Samuel 24:15..17  God KILLS 70,000 men of Israel because
                      David took a census. This is absolutely
                      insane. 2 Samuel 24:1 claims that God TOLD
                      David to take a censes. But then according
                      to 1 Chronicles 21:1 Satan TOLD David to
                      take a censes. Since this simply could not
                      be a(nother) contradiction (Gods' word is
                      inerrant, remember?) then God and Satan
                      must be one and the same spook.

  2 Kings 2:23..24  God sends two bears to SLAUGHTER 42 children.
                    The blood of innocent children is the best.

  2 Kings 15:16  One of God's kings (Menahem) KILLS all of the
                 men of Tiphsah "and all of the women therein
                 that were with child he RIPPED UP." Pregnant
                 women get God's "special" treatment.

  2 Chronicles 18:19..22  God advertises for a LIAR to be his
                          messenger and puts a "lying spirit"
                          in the messengers mouth. Now we know
                          who the real author of lies is.

  Psalm 137  "Blessed be he that taketh thy children and THROWETH
             them against the stones." War in Biblical times was
             very primitive. Children were treated no differently
             than adults. The most common ways to murder children
             were to throw them on rocks from high places or to
             simply club them to death (the child killers did not
             want to dull their swords by killing mere children).
             If God "loves little children" like religionists
             claim, why are He and His followers such adept child
             killers? Note that this psalm is not among the top
             twenty sung in churches anymore. I wonder why?

  Proverbs 23:13..14  God commands us to BEAT our children. Ever
                      wonder why some fundamentalists beat their
                      children? God says so. Apparently, what is
                      "Hell" for the child is "Heaven" for the
                      parent (I am speaking as a victim).

  Isaiah 45:6..7  God claims that he is responsible for EVIL.
                  Who would have guessed (by reading the Bible)?

  Lamentations 3:38  God is responsible for good and EVIL. But
                     heavy on the evil and too light on the good.

  Amos 3:6  God is responsible for EVIL. There seems to be a
            trend here that even a "true believer" might spot.

  Matthew 10:34  Jesus says "Do NOT think that I have come to
                 bring peace on earth; I have NOT come to bring
                 peace, but a SWORD." True believers claim that
                 Jesus is the "prince of peace". God must have
                 "revealed" this to them directly, since the
                 Bible states quite the opposite.

  Matthew 10:35..36  Jesus says "For I have come to set a man
                     AGAINST his father, and a daughter AGAINST
                     her mother and a daughter-in-law AGAINST her
                     mother-in-law; and a man's foes will be
                     those of his own house-hold." Finally, a
                     verified prophecy! Look at how many families
                     have been broken up by Christianity.

  Matthew 19:12  Jesus APPROVES of self-castration "for the
                 kingdom of heaven's sake". "The castrati (adult
                 male sopranos) remained the musical glory and
                 the moral shame of the papal choir till the
                 ascension of Pope Leo XIII" (Ency. Britannica).
                 Like foreskins, Testicles are for cutting off.

  Luke 12:49  Jesus has come to send FIRE on the earth. Just more
              peace through flames from one of the great spooks.

  Luke 12:51..53  Jesus says that he has NOT come to bring peace
                  on earth "but rather division; ... father
                  AGAINST son ... mother AGAINST daughter ... "
                  and in-laws AGAINST in-laws. Yet the clergy
                  continues to claim that Christ keeps families

  Luke 14:26  Jesus says that no man can be his disciple unless
              he HATES his father, mother, brothers, sisters,
              wife, children and his own life. Jesus taught love?

  Luke 18:29..30  Any man who LEAVES his family for God will be
                  rewarded many times in this life and the next.
                  There are many promises made in the Bible. Does
                  anyone know of any that were kept? I know many
                  that were not. I wonder what the "family" would
                  say about this "wise promise"?

  Luke 20:35  Jesus says that to be worthy of resurrection, men
              should NOT marry. God sure does like virgins. The
              early Christians were against marriage but finally
              had to give in when the promised "second coming"
              failed so many times. Some fools are still waiting.

  Luke 22:36  Jesus tells his followers to sell their coats and
              BUY swords. Directly from the "Prince of Peace".

  Romans 3:7  LYING is not bad if it is done for God. Why do you
              think so many fraudulent miracles were perpetrated
              by the Christian Church? God says it's allright!
              (And yes, I am aware that "fraudulent miracles" is
              redundant. There is ZERO scientific evidence to
              support ANY miracles.)

  Romans 7:17..18  The human body is inherently BAD. One way to
                   promote the "spiritual" (whatever that is) is
                   to degrade the physical (known as reality).

  1 Corinthians 7:1  Sex is basically BAD. Why did God "create"
                     sex then? See Romans 7:17 above.

  1 Corinthians 7:8..9  Sex is basically BAD. If you say some-
                        thing enough times then it MUST be true.
                        Never mind any evidence (thats physical).

  1 Corinthians 11:8..9  Women are INFERIOR to men. If God were a
                         woman and if She were as primitive and
                         as hateful as the Christian spook, then,
                         I think, the tables might be turned.

  1 Corinthians 14:34..35  Women are NOT allowed to speak in
                           church. If a woman wants to know
                           something then she must ask her
                           husband at home. What better way to
                           keep women submissive than ignorance?

  Ephesians 5:22..24  Wives must be SUBMISSIVE to their husbands.
                      You wouldn't guess that MEN wrote this one?

  Philippians 3:21  The human body is lowly or VILE. Doesn't it
                    seem that God could have given us something
                    "better" if He dislikes the current model?

  2 Thessalonians 2:11  "God shall send them strong delusion that
                        they should believe a LIE." How does one
                        tell God's "lies" from His "truths"?

  1 Timothy 2:9..15  Women must NOT braid their hair or dress
                     attractively. Women must learn in silence
                     with submissiveness. NO woman can teach or
                     have authority over any man. Fortunately,
                     some women have the courage to recognize
                     primitive male dominance (chauvinism) when
                     they see it. For examples of COURAGE, try
                     Ruth Hurmence Green, Anne Nicol Gaylor,
                     Mary De Young and Susan B. Anthony.

  James 4:4  Anyone who is a friend of the world is God's ENEMY.
             God is very jealous. If you like the world then you
             are Hell-bound for sure.

  1 Peter 3:1  Wives must be submissive to their husbands. How
               else could men dominate? See Ephesians 5:22 above.

  The above is a very SMALL sample of some of the less popular
Biblical morals (supposedly) given to us by the Great Spook. An
exhaustive list would fill a very large book. The inhumane treat-
ment of women (or children) alone would fill several small books.

    Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous
  debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the
  unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the
  Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it
  the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history
  of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize
  mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I
  detest everything that is cruel.
                                    Thomas Paine

I couldn't have said it any better.
Micheal D. Cranford