[net.religion] The basis of laws in our culture

russ (04/13/83)

Re: The basis for laws in our culture

Steve - You imply that morals can't be pragmatic. I contend that
morals are pragmatic and that they never contended to be otherwise.
The only other option would be that a capricious God or people
establishing morals. And this doesn't make any sense.

You state that an act should be illegal if-and-only-if common
occurrence of the act would destabilize the society. I prefer
to add that it should be illegal or immoral if it destabilized
the individual.

You imply that the only negative consequence of sex is children.
Some Christians like C.S. Lewis have argued that the only purpose
for sex is procreation. I don't believe that. Let me state that
a stable and strong family provides the best basis for healthy
growth and development of the individual. The most important
attribute in a marriage (even beyond love) is a commitment to
each other. No matter how much you love an individual at one
time, if you are not committed to support then and work on
improving the relationship with time, the problems that will come
will cause a parting of paths. People that get more divorces are not
less lovable than others, they just enter into relationships where
that commitment is lacking.

This brings me back to what I consider one of the main purposes
for sex and the significant problem with pre-marital relationships.
The physical drive that we all have brings us as males and females
together, but the fulfillment of that power within us requires us
to make a decision -- Do I want to commit myself to a long term
marriage relationship? The engagement period gives us time to analyze
our decision so that by the time we are married we both know that
we have decided to fulfill such a commitment.

With a pre-marital relationship, that force that brings us to the
point of decision is dissipated. Our feelings don't have to be
resolved and we can just continue with the status quo. This does
not even concern ourselves with the problem that is usually
raised with unwanted pregnancies that removes the possibility
of an engagement period. Sex is more than just a physical appetite
to be fulfilled, it is a positive force in creating meaningful
family relationships.