[net.religion] Public Reply to charge of Anti-Semitism

lab (04/03/83)

FtG has made a public charge that I have posted Anti-Semitic material.
This warrants a two-fold reply: that the references quoted were not
anti-Semitic, and that I have not given anti-Semitic meaning to them.

C.S.Lewis's reference to the things Jesus said and did are based on the
records penned by the following men:
	Matthew (Levi), a SEMITE tax collector
	John Mark, cousin to Joseph Barnabas, a Levite & SEMITE
	Luke, (probably Gentile) traveling companion of Saul of Tarsus
	John, a SEMITE fisherman
	Saul of Tarsus, a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin
		(also known as the Apostle Paul), SEMITE
I rather doubt that any of the above-named were anti-Semitic, especially
since they attributed divinity to another SEMITE of the tribe of Judah and
the house and lineage of David.

For me personally to be anti-Semitic is a contradiction of my faith. I have
believed the record given in the Hebrew Bible (by SEMITES), that is points
toward a particular SEMITE (Jesus), and that I am now a son by faith of the
SEMITE Abraham (Galatians 3:29). Further, my God is the God of Israel, who
has not cast His people off, but will redeem them at His appointed time.

Christianity is not a Gentile religion. In fact, the Jewish Christians were
astonished that God would grant the Gentiles the repentance that leads to
life (Acts 11:18).

Points to Ponder: Islam has its own separate set of teaching by Jesus; were
they done by His contemporaries? What accuracy can be granted them? If the
Moslem tradition is that someone else was mistaken for Jesus and crucified
in His place, what happened to the body? (for fun and flaming, what happened
to the body of Jesus, anyway? Serious stuff, please. The advice columns
give me enough laughs daily.)

If there was a case of mistaken identity, consider:
"Many a man will die for what he believes is true.
 Who will die for what he knows is false?" (the followers, not the leader)

					Keeping it at 4 Celsius,
					Larry Bickford

avi (04/04/83)

I am not responding to the original comments about Anti-Semitism. I just
want to comment on some of Larry Bickford's Statements in which he
defends himself from the charge - not on the original charge.

My definition of Anti-Semitism involves acts that reflect on Jews in the
present day and age. It does not include other "semites" such as many of
the Arabs in the region. It does not matter to me if someone liked what SOME
Jews did several thousand years ago. Most present day Jews do not consider the
early converts to Christianity to be Jewish.

Once you convert to what is considered "Idol Worship", you are no longer a
member of the "Jewish religious fold" and can not be used as an example of
a Jew. This is definitely true from the Orthodox viewpoint, and many of the
other branches of Judaism would also agree. Jesus may have been born Jewish
(although of questionable parentage), but any followers who worshiped
him (and his image) would be considered Idol Worshipers. His entire following
is considered an embarrassment to most Jews. We are not proud of them or their

I also debate the statement Larry made about whether Jews and Christians
worship the same God. Do you also claim the Moslems have the same God?
What do all these "Gods" have in common? Jews do not believe any of the
modifications added by Jesus and Mohammed and their followers. We also
disagree with the way that all the books we had are reinterpreted by
others. Obviously everyone is free to interpret. However, do not make
any claims of commonality after you have done so. You now have SEVERAL
disparate religions that share common origins.

The early Christians were only successful in converting a rather small
minority of the Jews they lived among. You are claiming that the fact
that you agree with a small group of "SEMITES" proves you are not
Anti-Semitic. What about the rest of us? Don't our religious beliefs - which
have a rather broad range - count? Please don't use sophomoric tricks like
this to try to wriggle out of any charges. I do not remember what the original
statements involved were. My impression is that your statements denied Jews
(among others) the right to have their own religious beliefs. That is not
necessarily Anti-Semitism. It may be the harbinger of plain old Discrimination
against any group whose beliefs cannot be mapped isomorphically onto yours.

	Avi E. Gross	(ihnp4!houxb!hogpd!avi)

dje (04/08/83)

Let's clear the air on anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitism means hostility to JEWS.
Whether or not a person is of Semitic descent is IRRELEVANT.
Any attempt to disparage Jewish beliefs or to slur Jews for holding such
beliefs is ANTI-SEMITISM.  
The excuse "I'm not anti-Semitic, I'm a Semite myself" ranks right up there
with "I vas only follovink orders" at the head of the parade of the vile and
I'm not accusing anybody in particular of anti-Semitism.  I'm asking
everybody to open their eyes and ears to be aware of both the overt and
the subtle hostility that Jews can be confronted with.
			Dave Ellis
			Bell Labs, Piscataway NJ

dje (04/14/83)

Arabs are Semites, too.
As I stated previously, anti-Semitism is defined to be hostility to Jews
as opposed to hostility to all Semites.
Let's not use "Arabs are Semites, too" as a smokescreen for hostility to Jews.

dje (04/19/83)

<<"If anti-Semitism is confined to hostility to Jews (highly logical),
   then what is the term for the people I have run into (many of them Jews)
   who don't like Arabs?">>

I don't know if there is a special term for "anti-Arabism."  Bigotry is
vicious no matter whom it's directed against.