[net.religion] Charles Lyell versus the Diluvialists

lew (04/20/83)

One usually thinks of Creationists as opposed to Darwin, but it was
actually Charles Lyell who established the modern view of the great
antiquity of the  earth. In "Origin of Species" Darwin explicitly
states that anyone who doesn't accept Lyell's time scale "may close
this volume at once." In Lyell's day, the "diluvialists" carried
the creationist standard. The following excerpt, quoted from "Charles
Lyell: the years to 1841" by Leonard G. Wilson, is from a letter of
Lyell's to a friend. He is describing a meeting of the Geological
Society of London.

	A splendid meeting last night. Sedgewick in chair. Conybeare's
	paper on valley of Thames directed against Messrs. Lyell &
	Murchison's former paper was read in part. Buckland present to
	defend the "diluvialists" as Conybeare styles his sect & us he
	terms "fluvialists." Greenough assisted us by making an ultra
	speech on the impotence of modern causes. "no river," he said,
	"within times of history has deepened its channel one foot!" It
	was great fun for he said - "Our opponents say, 'Give us Time
	& we will work wonders,' So said the wolf in the fable - to the
	lamb - 'why do you disturb the water?' - 'I do not; you are fur-
	ther up the stream than I.' - 'But your father did' - 'he never
	was here' - 'Then your grandfather did so I will murder you.'
	'Give me time & I will murder you,' so say the fluvialists" Roars
	of laughter in which G. joined against himself. What a choice
	simile! M. & I fought stoutly & Buckland was very piano. Cony-
	beare's memoir is not strong by any means. He admits 3 deluges
	before the Noachian! & Buckland adds God knows how many
	catastrophes besides so we have driven them out of the Mosaic
	record fairly.

This was in 1829.

	Lew Mammel, Jr. ihuxr!lew