[net.religion] a week and a half in review

random (04/18/83)

Now that tekmpd is on the air again, we at Tektronix Walker Road finally
are getting news after about a week and a half.  In review of the noises
made on the issues over this time, I see I haven't missed much.

Lets see, now.  There was more noises on creationism/evolutionism.  Has
anyone wondered about the implications of the existence of Noah's Ark on
Mount Ararat?  Seems that if it was ever found, there would be several
problems in many peoples theology to be reckoned with.  One would be the
concept that the book of Genesis is symbolic, inaccurate, or in one form
or another, a bunch of fairytales.  One group that would have to reconsider
their beliefs would be communists, particularly the Russians.  The main
reason that the ark has not been found is due to the location of mount
Ararat being so close to the Russian border.  The Turks are not very fond
of the idea of giving the Russians the wrong impression by massing a bunch
of people and planes only 50 miles (or thereabouts) from the border.  The 
Russians have already warned the Turks that such action would be thought of
as an aggressive act and could be acted upon as such.

Personally, I think God will reveal the ark before His return.  Any comments?

I remember in a recent article, Yigal Arens stated that:

I like the way these fellows decide whether something is their god's desire
according to what is most convenient at the moment, or what they believe in
anyway.  So what else is new?  Haven't you noticed that religious people of
all the various kind always seem to believe that their god tells them to do
what they chose to do anyway? 

			and also said:

Pretty weak god, eh?  Anyway, my point is valid even so.  Who's to guarantee
that man won't mess up in the next world?  Many pure souls will be
languishing in hell while god is working to make things right again.  Wanna
guess how long that might be?  He does have all eternity to do it, so
there's no need to hurry.  Boy, will they be disappointed.

	Try this one on for size, Yigal.  A Christian ladyfriend of mine was
out to buy a car she saw on a street corner with a FOR SALE sign in the
window.  It was a red '72 Pinto (she likes red) with an automatic transmission
(she hates manual transmissions).  On the merits of its 'cuteness' and the 
slushbox transmission, she was on the edge of buying it.  And as with most
people, once she is sold on something, it's as good as done.  Several folks
at church told her to find someone who knows cars (turned out to be me) and
also to ask the Lord what to do.  I told her it was old, overpriced, and in
general a bad risk.  She still wanted to buy it complete with problems and 
have the problems fixed at additional cost.  I told her to test drive it,
beware of any high pressure tactics, etc. and not to buy it for a few days.
Still, she was sold on it but took my advice anyway.
	She told me that she test drove the car and such and then asked the
Lord (Jesus - the real one. Plug - plug) if she should buy it.  He didn't
knock her off her donkey or have the heavens roll back or pillars of fire or
part the Columbia river or anything big and flashy.  He just said:

Get the point?

As far as Satan or us or anyone screwing up the *next* world, I believe what
was revealed to the Apostle John in the book of Revelations concerning this.
It states that after the Antichrist is defeated in the battle of Armageddon,
(see Rev.16) that he and his false prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire
(Rev 19:20) and that Satan himself is bound for 1000 years (Rev. 20:2).  Now,
without Satan to tempt mankind, it will be a lot easyer to stay out of trouble
than it is now.  I don't know about you, but I have a hard time myself.  Also,
during this 1000 years, Jesus Himself will be running the world with all the
present Christians ruling under him (Rev 20:4). 
	Well, this is fine for 1000 years but still doesn't solve the problem
of eternity.  So the prophecy continues stating that at the end of the 1000
years (technically called the Millenial Reign of Christ), Satan is loosed and
is out to tempt everybody again (Rev. 20:7).  The reason for God to do this
is to separate the folks who really love God and will reject seduction by Satan
from those who are just along for the ride and Satan can twist against God in
the last battle on this earth (Rev. 20:9).  Afterwards, Satan is again bound
but is not just cast in the pit again.  Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire
where the Antichrist and False Prophet were thrown 1000 years earlyer.  Thus
ends the problem of Satan to which I say 'Praise the Lord'.
	The situation is now: Satan is gone for good (yay), Jesus has been King
for 1000 years, all that is left are truly fervent followers of God, and one
well used earth.  From here, the places of Death and Hades (also known as Hell)
are cast into the Lake of Fire and the old earth (pretty well trashed by now)
is replaced by a new one along with a new Jerusalem where God (the father) will
reside.  He will NOT be separated from mankind (whoever's left) and there will
be no more screwing up the earth, each other, ourselves, our families, because
He will NOT let it happen AGAIN*.  The text for this paragraph is Rev. 21.
There is much I have to skip for space reasons.  PLEASE read it for yourselves.
	This is the promise all us Jesus freaks refer to.  It is NOT stupid
wings and a harp in the clouds plucking for eternity.  It is God with us on
a new earth where we can see and hear and talk to and touch Him.  Just like
back with Adam and Eve with two big exceptions.  One is Satan will be DEAD and
GONE and the other is that all people will have memories of a past of being
separated from God, of sin, waste, destruction, and of the benefits of doing
things out of greed, pride, lust, instead of love and concern.  By then, I am
certain we will never be so stupid to again go against God.

			Have a nice day.
			It may be your last.

Randall Elliott		Tektronix, Inc.		Beaverton, Ore.
(503) 629-1044	or  tektronix!tekmdp!dadla!dadla-b!random

tim (04/23/83)

Oh come on! Do you really think that the pain and suffering caused by
God overthrowing Satan as soon as possible could outweigh the pain
caused by allowing Satan to continue to send people to Hell?

The idea of Satan vs. God is one of the silliest bits in the entire
Christian cosmology. How can you have a credible adversary to an
omnipotent and omniscient being?

Tim Maroney