[net.religion] another week and a half

random (05/03/83)

I'm hoping this is making it out due to our news system being fouled here.
We've been on and off for a week and a half (*again*) here on dadla.

I noticed Yigal Arens (bless his heart) posted his ream-job on me again.
Thanks, Yigal.  I got it the first time.  I've been afraid to post a reply
lest the blasted computer gronks it.  I've been told this will make it out.
I also noticed Jeff Mayhew's Plunge II.  Nice article, Jeff.  This reply is
for you, too.

Yigal asked the best (although the most obnoxiously phrased) question I've
seen in years.  I asked it many times myself over the last several years.
I wish more people would question those who claim the knowledge of God.  And,
yes there IS one.  For that matter, I wish more Christians would question
whether or not they are doing God's will.  It would save a lot of time that
is being waisted doing their own will.

Before I tell you how I can have the unmitigated guts (or the foolishness,
depending on your point of view) to claim to know God or His will, I want
to comment on Yigal's reference to organizations, religious movements, and
such vs. individual choice.

Obviously, an organization is made up of individuals.  All of us are indi-
viduals (I am, anyway) and I tend to keep my comments and references away from
groups (such as Jerry Falwell followers) and in reference to particular people
(such as Jerry Falwell, himself).  Comments and complaints about groups can
get far too impersonal (and generally inaccurate) for my tastes.  However, the
difference in churches was brought up, so.....

With churches, the difference is not so much in interpreting the same Bible
and following the same God, but grinding out doctrine that supercedes the
Bible and defines God to be less than or other than what He is.  From there,
people will shop until they find the church that has a doctrine palatable to
them (whether it is true or not).  Examples are how many church-goers go to
church for the moral teachings and not to learn about God.  Therefore, people
know lots of morals but little about God.  For many churches, the subject of
God, or worse yet, Jesus, is far to controversial to teach in detail.  These
are the churches I grew up in.  I didn't really care to hear moral teachings,
though.  I just wanted to know God (not an unusual desire) so I stopped going.
It took until I was 22 years old before I heard the Gospel of salvation through
Jesus Christ through a different church and under different circumstances.

In the ranks of 'church-goers', many don't know if they're doing God's will.
Some may claim to be doing God's will due to their leaders telling them that
they are.  Jim Jones' Koolaid party is a good, although radical, example.  He
told his followers God wanted them to die for Him, so they committed suicide
and murder in the name of God.  Wonderful.  Kinda reminds me of the Crusades.

Now for Yigal's comment:
How *dare* he (and he isn't alone in this) speak so casually about what god
wants, what god's intentions are, what god is or isn't going to do, etc.
What on earth gives Randall the notion that he has even the slightest idea
of what (if anything) is behind his god's actions?!  And I don't want to
hear any quotes from any scriptures!  How do you know what they are really
about or why they are there?

Oh, beautiful.  There was nothing casual in my article.  My statements were
made on my knowledge of the Bible (which Yigal doesn't seem to accept), also
on how other Christians tell me of their knowledge of God (but, of course,
they could be lying or dreaming), and finally on my own, personal, first-hand
knowledge of God (but, then again, who am I).  I take none of those casually
or my sharing of this information as trivial.

As far as scripture goes (I refer only to the Bible), The Bible says what it
is about and why it is here.  To assume or imply anything else is guessing.
What it is 'really' about is evident to any reader who starts at the beginning
in Genesis where it says 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the
earth'.  It starts 'in the beginning', initially revealing God, and what He
was doing.  Revelations is the last book that tells, as one might expect, the
end.  In between is a running commentary on various peoples struggles to follow
and obey God (and sometimes the results of *not* obeying God) and God's power
in those folks lives.  It was written about God by people under God's hand and
is as infallible as God is.  It is here to be READ.  But, since Yigal doesn't
want me to quote scripture.....

Other Christians tell me of their knowledge of God and what He is doing with
them.  If I can see God working, I have no problem believing.  He's fixed
marriages, healed people, repaired businesses, and fixed many peoples emotional
problems.  The latter is, in my opinion, one of the most common problem with
this country.  I've known people in mental wards that Jesus has healed who
would still be in those institutions had He not shown His love to them.  If you
don't believe it, that's your choice.  But when God uses His power like that,
it shows me that God not only exists (and is not passive) but *really does love

My own knowledge of God's existence started with other Christians that God had
blessed.  I noticed the changes I'd seen in friends and relatives that I grew
up with that asked and accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  I notice the
deep emotional problems that had hung them up for years being cured and removed
without any obvious means or techniques.  And the changes were faster than I
had ever heard of any psychological or psychiatric help providing.  One person
I know has been classified by doctors as mentally and emotionally incurable
(the results of a genetic foul-up plus LSD) that has been healed by Jesus.

I just watched as God revealed Himself to me through other Christians.  I then 
started asking Jesus for more proof and reason to have faith in Him and He kept
on showing me more blessings, miracles, and such.  He didn't force the issue of
*my* acceptance.  He made it clear that He could wait until I was sure.  Also,
He made it clear that He wouldn't wait forever and I would benefit more if I
made up my mind soon.  As a result, on April 25, 1980 (yes, I wrote it down),
alone, in my apartment here in Beaverton, I asked Jesus to be *my* Savior and

I sometimes hear the phrase 'the Christian experience' referring to a Christian
experiencing God in his life.  This is the ONLY reason to be a Christian.  The
morality is a result of God changing one's values.  But, morality is NOT Chris-
tianity.  Morality is a by-product.  Not to put down the importance of living
as God wants us to.  It's just too easy to condemn others for being 'immoral'.
I know I try to do what's right, but I'm far from perfect.

My experience of God working on me and in my life includes delivering me from
smoking (go ahead, don't believe it), repairing my relationship with my parents
(I was a somewhat battered child), bringing me together with other Christians
(I call them brothers and sisters) I can trust in and be *truly* friends with,
and, far beyond these, He sent His presence (the Holy Spirit) into me so I can
know His will as He reveals it to me.  There's more, too.  If you want to hear
about it, send mail.

The Bible is simply God's explanation of who He is, who *we* are, and what to
expect in a 'Christian experience' when we follow Jesus Christ.  Since I've
been a Christian, God has opened my understanding of the Bible far beyond my
former ability.  I've NEVER found anything in the Bible that has been promised
by God to me that hasn't been delivered or is in process.  God does test my
faith in Him rather often, but He doesn't lie.

People have tried to make science a religion in some ways.  There's been many
articles and comments about this.  But, occasionally God runs right by science
to perform the impossible on those He loves to show He IS God, He DOES love us,
and He IS bigger that any other 'religion' or 'god' that we have made (in our
own image or otherwise).  As a result, I let Jesus be my Lord and became a
Christian because it WORKS.  And that's how I can *dare* have the knowledge of
what's behind God's actions.  The Bible IS true.  Jesus Lives.

Randall Elliott		Tektronix, Inc.		Beaverton, Ore.
(503) 629-1044	or  tektronix!tekmdp!dadla!dadla-b!random

tim (05/12/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/3/83; site mhuxt.UUCP
Date:Wed, 11-May-83 17:46:28 EDT

Ah, sorry, Randall, but there are more Hindus and Buddhists than Christians
and Jews. Your god is not, as you claim, "the biggest", and in this state-
ment you only betray the smallness and lack of relation to reality of your
world. Unless, of course, you only count Americans and Europeans as "people"...

As for your claims of belief because of the miraculous effects you've
attributed to Jesus -- any god can make similar claims. The reason I can't
believe in yours is because he calls all the other gods liars, claiming to
be the most powerful and the most knowing, all without any evidence beyond
the writings of devotees. What would you think of a man who did that? And
if God must be judged by different standards, then in what sense is he "good"?

Tim Maroney