[net.religion] possible new direction for this newsgroup

greg (05/07/83)

How about a new topic?  Would people be willing to share some of the
books, movies, pieces of art or music, or whatever, that have been
particularly meaningful to them?  People who have no particular
religious faith, together with those who do, certainly share the
occasional deeply moving, perhaps almost transcendent experience
of (as an example) a concert in which the performers and the audience
participate in a shared experience of beauty.

As a person of faith, these occasional, almost always unexpected
moments speak to me about my relationship with God; those in this
newsgroup who profess no religious belief will interpret these moments
of beauty and transformation in different terms, but nonetheless, it
seems to me that we might find a supportive, mutually beneficial basis
for dialog in something along these lines.

For starters, I was quite moved by the film Gandhi.  In the movie, we
saw him as he matured and became wise.  In some sense he remained the
same person, with the same wry sense of humor and feeling for political
symbolism, but in another sense he completely changed, from a young
upper-class lawyer to a man of great spiritual insight and love.

As another example, a book by Paul Tournier called "The Meaning of Persons"
had a deep impact on me.  Actually, I would love it if the tone of this
newsgroup moved in the direction of the gentleness and support that
permeates his book.

I had hoped that when this newsgroup was formed it would contain at
least some contributions from thoughtful, sensitive individuals who see
religious faith  as a dynamic, integral part of their growth.  Faith at
its best is full of surprise, adventure, change, and joy.  It is
fundamentally a relationship, and like all relationships it is full of
uncertainty, ambiguity, and doubt, together with the blessed moments
when trust, love, and intimacy break through.  How can we discuss our
respective faith journeys and benefit from one another's experiences
when we have on the one hand people waiting to attack and exploit any
sign of professed uncertainty or weakness, and on the other hand rigid,
static, doctrinaire guardians of a pseudo-faith that has no aspects of
growth or dynamism at all?

True dialog takes place in an atmosphere of openness and vulnerability;
a non-believer will certainly feel no freedom to express wonderings
about seemingly spiritual stirrings and needs in the presence of hard-
core religious types who might take them as openings to shove canned
religion down their throats.  Similarly, a person of faith will be
unwilling to openly discuss doubts in the presence of a bitter atheist
who will use them as an opportunity to strike at the core of the
person's faith.  Here's hoping that we can all move in the direction
of sharing with one another and helping each other in our respective

				- Greg Johnson
				  U of Wisc. - Madison

rlh (05/12/83)

such a deeply moving, transcendent experience ... 
while a physicist by religion, I met in it a strong representation
of the Form of evil.
