[net.religion] a view of heaven

robin (05/13/83)

     There was a man who died and went to heaven. On his arrival, he was met
by a "man", who said "Welcome to Heaven"(things are really silly up there).
     He replied,"Where do I go from here?"
     "We have a section here for everyone. I will take you to your section."
     "But I am an atheist. . ."
     "It doesn't matter. You led a good life."
     "O.K. Where do we go?"
     "Follow me", said the "man" as he led the other to his section. As they
walked, they passed many sections. "This is the Buddhist section",pointing
to several Buddhists doing Buddhist things. "And these are the Moslems",
pointing to several people doing Moslem things. "And here are the Baha'is",
referring to several people doing Baha'i stuff. Suddenly, they came to a 
big wall and stopped.
      The new arrival tried to climb the wall when suddenly the "man" said
"No, you must not do that. The Christians are on the other side of the wall.
They think they are up here alone."
      Oh well.