pete@pegasus.UUCP (05/24/83)
So Christ and his disciples never drank at all for pleasure. Wine does taste good and does produce pleasurable sensations. It has been for milenia associated with joyous occasions. (If wine was only drunk for practical reasons why wasn't the water cahnged to yogurt? (Excesive drinking may be harmful, fear and hatred of pleasure is more so))
mam@rabbit.UUCP (06/03/83)
I was not screwed up when I became a Christian, nor am I a born again. I spent two years at boarding school, and I needed something more immediate than my parents 200 miles away to lean on. Not that religion is a crutch, it's just a comfort and it does, as Tom Albrecht says, give life a purpose.
kwmc@hou5d.UUCP (06/03/83)
How can one claim to be a Christian, and in the same sentance deny being born again, after all, Christ said " You must be born again ". Ken Cochran hou5d!kwmc