[net.religion] The Flood

greg@zehntel.UUCP (07/15/83)

zehntel!greg    Jul 14 17:58:00 1983

	A couple of questions have been raised about God's methods in
delivering Noah from the flood:

1.  Why did God have Noah go to all the trouble of building an ark and go
to the trouble Himself of gathering all the animals; ie, why didn't God just
do it all?
2.  Why did God do it this way at all?  Why didn't He just vaporize the guilty?

	First, God only asked Noah to do that which he could do.  Noah was
obviously incapable of running all over the world collecting animals (as has
been pointed out by Mark Twain), but he was capable of building an ark.
This was a test of faith and an act of reverence.  (See Heb. 11:7.)
	Second, Old Testament events were often types of New Testament
concepts.  The deliverance of Noah from the flood is an example of this;
it's a type of salvation.  (See I Pet. 3:20,21.)  Through faith Noah was
delivered from judgment.  If Noah had not had to *rely* on his faith, it
wouldn't have been a true type.
					Greg Boyd

debray@sbcs.UUCP (07/18/83)

zehntel!greg says, in an article on the Flood, that "[God's making Noah
build an ark] was a test of faith and an act of reverence. (See Heb. 11:7.)"

I don't see the point in all these "tests of faith" in the O.T. : surely
an omniscient god would *know* whether a given person had faith? All
that testing seems rather redundant to me!

Saumya "Debugging would be easier with omniscience" Debray
SUNY at Stony Brook