cfiaime@ihnp4.UUCP (07/19/83)
The term "Born Again Christian" has its roots in the story of Nicodemus (John 3:1-21). Jesus was making a point that the Spirit of God MUST fill each believer's heart. In that case, ALL Christians are "born again." However, not all Christians are "Born Again Christians" of the same type as on the 700 Club, Jerry Falwell, and the like. Jesus also taught of two men who went into the temple to pray. (Luke 19:9-14) One, a Pharisee, stood by himself in the middle of the temple and prayed, "I thank thee Lord that I am not like other men." The other, a tax collector, prayed in a corner, "Lord, forgive me, as sinner." Now, risking the wrath and flames of all of the "Born Again Christians" (of the Jerry Falwell type), it seems to me that there is a bit of Pharisee in this type of preaching. These Christians seem to be looking for approval from other Christians in the community. I am a Christian, and as such I have been born again of the spirit. However, I (figuratively) am of the type that will go into the corner of the church and ask forgiveness. (Oh how to write this without sounding "look at me and how humble I am"!) I strongly dislike the term "Born Again Christian" as it tends to sound, as used today, that it is a one time experience. I believe that I am reborn daily, and daily need God's forgiveness. I don't show pity to those who are not Christians, I pray for them and will talk with them as equal people. It is the task of all Christians to "make disciples of all nations" as shown in Matthew 28:19-20. If, as a practicing Christian, I am turned off by the typical "Born Again Christian" type, how are the people that we are to teach reacting? I ask, therefore, that when you judge Christians in the world, remember that some of us realize that we are just as sinful as unbelievers, we need God's forgiveness daily, and that we try to live as Christians. We don't try to beat Christianity into peoples heads, we try to show God's love. (I am now ready for the flames from both sides) Jeff Williams BTL - Naperville ihnp4!cfiaime