alan@allegra.UUCP (08/20/83)
I am used to the "God told me, so I'm right; you don't believe, so you're wrong" attitude. It no longer surprises me. However, I am surprised to hear it so often on the net, where I would have expected to find more mature and tolerant views. I think one of the healthiest things we can do is to make our belief system tentative. Part of my current model of spirituality (please, PLEASE, don't be offended by words) is that my model will continue to grow and change as I grow and change. The best thing I can do is keep it flexible. It seems to me that a rigid belief system can only hinder the kind of self examination and questiong that is at the heart of spirituality. I believe that we all approach God, truth, our highest selves, or whatever we call it, in the way that is right for us at the moment. If you tell me that you have found the One True Path, and all other religions, philosophies, paths, etc., are wrong, I can only attribute this to your insecurity and fear. Alan Driscoll Bell Labs, Murray Hill