[net.religion] graffiti

cfiaime@ihnp4.UUCP (08/23/83)

This probably ought to go into net.flame, but I am hoping that
the person that this is aimed at reads this news group.  To 
the rest of you, I apologize.

Yesterday evening, I noticed some graffiti on the wall in the
men's room across the aisle from the main Comp Center at Indian
Hill.  (The location is mentioned so that the person who did
this might know who and where it was done.)  This writing on the
wall said something like, "There is only one way to Heaven, and
that is through Jesus Christ."

Now, I happen to agree with the sentiment expressed.  I also
happen to agree that it is the job of all Christians to, as
Matthew put it, "Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make
them my disciples..."  There should be no time or place where
we should not continue to witness our risen Savior and Lord.

Begin flame ---------->

There is no call for anyone, at any time, to deface property
belonging to another person or company.  Nowhere does the Bible 
give Christians the right to destroy or deface anything in the
name of Christ.  (Rephrase - I have yet to find this permission
given in the Bible.)  Matter of fact, in several cases we actually
ask God to treat us as we treat others.  (Lord's Prayer: ...and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against
us...)  Please, if you are going to spread the Word of God, respect
the rights and property of others.  By defacing property, you will
actually cause more harm than good in spreading the word.  Consider
the person who cleans up the mess that you have left.  Does he 
find the hope of eternal life in what you have written?  I doubt it.
Those who read the words will consider them just like other bathroom
graffiti, something to be ignored.

End flame ---------->

This whole business really upset me because it shows the lack of
loving concern for other people.  I believe (notice, this is a
statement of opinion) that as a Christian, it is my duty to treat
everyone with respect and consideration.  By doing anything less,
I am being very hypocritical in my faith.  May I suggest, that 
before we do anything to witness, that we look at the medium by 
which we desire to spread the Word?  Will we damage someone's
property by our actions?  Will we show a lack of respect for someone
by our actions?  Will we actually cause more damage than good in our

Jeff Williams
BTL - Indian Hill