eugenez@tekmdp.UUCP (Eugene Zinter) (08/30/83)
Curiously enough, the above subject was the title of a discussion in the September 1977 issue of "Creation Research Society Quarterly" (Volume 14, pages 103-107). Apparently the article also appeared in the 10 FEB 1977 issue of "Research Communcications Network Newsletter" (No. 2). The article is quite interesting. It should be noted that Robert V. Gentry examined more than 100,000 radioholos and is supposed to be the world's leading authority on the subject. A list of references appears at the end of the article and I thought those who would like to learn more about the radiohalo phenomenon would be interested: Gentry, Robert V. 1973. Radiocactive halos, Annual Review of Nuclear Science 23(554):347-362. Struve, Otto 1959. Finding the age of the Earth, Sky and Telescope 18(8):433-435. Gentry, Robert V. 1968. Fossil alpha-recoil analysis of certain variant radioactive halos, Science 160(3833):1228-1230. Gentry, Robert V. 1974. Radiohalos in a radiochronological and cosmological perspective, Science 184(4132):62-66. Fremlin, J. H., and R. V. Gentry 1975. Spectacle halos. (Discussion) Nature 258(5532):269-270. Gentry, Robert V., L. D. Hullett, S. S. Cristy, J. F. McLaughlin, J. A. McHugh, and Michael Bayard 1974. Spectacle arrays of 210 Po halo radiocentres in biotite, a nuclear geophysical enigma, Nature 252(5483):564-566. Moazed, Cyrus, Richard M. Spector, and Richard F. Ward 1973. Polonium radiohalos: an alternate interpretation, Science 180(4092):1272-1274. Gentry, Robert V., Warner H. Christie, David H. Smith, S. A. Reynolds, Raymond Walker, S. S. Cristy, and P. A. Gentry 1976. Radiohalos in coalified wood: new evidence relating to the time of uranium introduction and coalificaton, Science 194(4262):315-318. ecz