aeq@pucc-h (Jeff Sargent) (03/03/84)
Just a thought which I will let the more philosophical types (on both sides of the issue) develop: Many & many a time it has been said that the universe (including all of time as we perceive it) "has been" created, as though God were moving along a time line of his own. I think the concept of "unbounded Now" dropped on the floor somewhere along the line. Would it not be better to say that the entire universe (including the entirety of our time) "is being" created? Of course this leaves open the question: By whom? Is God doing all the work or are we helping in this creation? Go to it, Jon and David (sounds almost like something out of I Samuel!). -- -- Jeff Sargent {allegra|ihnp4|decvax|harpo|seismo|teklabs|ucbvax}!pur-ee!pucc-h:aeq ...drifting along with the tumbling terminals....