[net.religion] Protestant's fathers

mgp@uvacs.UUCP (04/03/84)

Judy (ut-ngp!judy) writes,

> How about MATTHEW 23.9:
>       And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father,
>       which is in heaven.
>  and what do Catholics call their Priests?

What do Protestants call their mother's husband?  (assuming they were
legitimate, of course).  I think that this shows that all of scripture
is not meant tobe taken literally (at least not in translation).
The point of this passage, in my opinion, is that we should recognize
that we owe our very existance to G-d, and give him due respect.
I believe that the Catholic church also espouces that view, and I see
no conflict with Christ's teachings.

(Seriously, now.  How many of you have never(!) called your (earthly)
father "father", just because of this scripture passage?)

                                Mark Pleszkoch
                                University of Virginia