[net.religion] All Israel shall be saved

amigo@iwlc6.UUCP (John Hobson) (04/16/84)

Jeff Sargent says:

>>	Actually, Lewis himself has speculated (in *Mere Christianity*,
>>	even) that God may save some people who have never heard of 
>>	Christ or Christianity, but who try to live a loving life.
>>	(I do wonder what God will do for the Jews, many of whom
>>	undoubtedly are very good people but who reject Jesus as Messiah
>>	despite His fulfilling many prophecies of the suffering Messiah.)

Jeff, I want to be the first to jump on this statement.  First of all,
let me remind you of two scriptural quotations:  Jesus said (offhand, I
forget where) "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men to me;" and
Romans 11:26, where St. Paul explicitly states "All Israel shall be

Then, consider why many Jews have rejected Christ.  Quite apart
from any theological aspects, many Christians have been quite
"un-Christlike" in their treatment of the Jews.  Tell me, does the
word "pogrom" mean anything to you?  How about "Buchenwald" or
"Aushwitz-Birkenau" or "morrano" or "auto-de-fe" or "deicide"?  Why
should Jews want to accept a religion which persecutes them?

Shortly, I will be writing a couple of articles for this newsgroup
which will look into the question of who will be saved.

				John Hobson
				AT&T Bell Labs--Naperville, IL