labelle@hplabsc.UUCP (WB6YZZ Labelle) (04/18/84)
When people say God on this net I believe they could be talking about different entities! Who or what is your God? When someone asks me do you believe in God? I must answer "which one?" or "what God are you talking about". Let me propose that when we use the term "God" we have a standard designator reference to indicate which definition we are refering to. God1 probably the most popular around here. The God of Moses Abraham, etc.- the one refered to in the Bible. God2 The entity or being refered to by those who do not attach God to a particular faith. God3 The more nebulous definition for 90-100 percent agnostics which could refer to as little as another race from outer space who has planted us, to the brain of which we are mere "thoughts". God4 The non existant "deity" for atheists for lack of better term.
brower@fortune.UUCP (Richard Brower) (04/20/84)
How about: God5 Alla God6 ... . . .