[net.religion] Match anf Faith -- OOPS!

robison@eosp1.UUCP (Tobias D. Robison) (05/07/84)


Physicists and other modern scientists would be taking more than a leap of
faith, if they hope to describe the universe using only mathematics, or
only equations.  THAT'S NOT THEIR BUSINESS!!!

20th Century science is solidly grounded on the idea of the verifyable
paradigm.  A scientist develops a model of a system that is logically
consistent; this is the paradigm.  The scientist asserts that his model
*** is consistent with observations that can be made of the real world ***.

The claim in this assertion is very important to understand.  It is that,
given our current abilities, we cannot make observations about our universe
that are inconsistent with the model.

In this century, thousands of models have been abandoned as our methods of
observation improved and changed.  At every step we have developed new models
that make it easier for us to predict accurately how the universe will behave.

Predicting behavior of the universe, and modeling it, is EXTREMELY DIFFERENT
FROM DESCRIBING IT OR UNDERSTANDING IT.  Those scientists who forget that
they are dealing in paradigms should simply be put back in their place.
					- Toby Robison (not Robinson!)