[net.religion] FETUS

merrill@gigi.DEC (Rick GIGI::Merrill DECRITE ) (05/23/84)

What is the plural of 'fetus'?  Any Latin students out there?
Did you hear that the worldwide total of abortions is about
10,000,000?  That's more than there were Jews killed in the
Holocost, and this time there will be no survivor meetings.
Many doctors I've talked to (or read) say they respect the
right of a woman to chose BUT people should (be required to)
see or Feel an abortion FIRST: they say you can feel the
fetus wiggle on the end of a needle just like a fish on a
hook - or feel it start to jump about when the saline
solution reaches it.  This is an important issue to discuss.
In France they have so few babies 'surviving' that the state
pays a bonus to women having babies.  There are so few
surviving in the US that couples who want to adopt often have
to go to El Salvadore for a baby!  Has our 'humanism' become
the death of a nation?  Do you Oppose abortion?