[net.religion] On Eagle's Wings

isbell@marvin.DEC (06/14/84)

[Long - 51 lines]

I  have  been  reading  a  book called "On Eagle's Wings" by Lord Martin
Cecil  -  the  leader  of  The Emissaries of Divine Light - "a worldwide
nonsectarian ministry". My feeling is that the book is a genuine attempt
to point out that which is common to all human beings, and all spiritual
practices.  It has been very difficult to select a passage for this news
group.  Each  chapter  is  a  transcription  of  an unscripted talk, and
selection of a particular passage interrupts the flow of the whole talk.

The  introduction to the book states "...some religious terms, mostly of
the  Christian variety, were used from time to time. The language is not
the  point.  No one heed be hung up on the wording. It is the spirit and
substance of what is being said that carries the weight."

			Chris Isbell.
People  have  many  opportunities  of  gathering themselves together for
various  purposes,  for  various  reasons,  but  there is only one right
reason and this centers in what we may describe by the word *integrity*,
a longing to experience the reality indicated by that word...

Very  often  those  who  are seeking are seeking self-centeredly. By the
way, most of what is called religion in the world has been based in this
same  self-centered consciousness. Within the scope of Christianity, for
instance,  the  approach  is 'I am a sinner. That's me, you know. I am a
sinner.'   The  question  is  asked  very  often,  'Are  you  saved?'  A
self-centered  approach.  'What  is going to happen to me? Poor me! Am I
saved?  Am  I  a  sinner?'  The whole approach is self-centered, lacking

Integrity  is available to the experience of any human being on the face
of the earth, because there is something that is true about that person.
That person would not exist if it weren't so. Our very existence depends
upon  the  fact that there is something real and true in us, and we find
that  reality, that truth, when we accept the necessity of behaving with
integrity. We cannot behave with integrity until we put spiritual valuse
first  -  we may say, until we put God first. Now this has meant so many
peculiar  things  to  so many people and nothing to most. Put God first.
All  right,  go  ahead!  Put  integrity  first; here is our contact with
whatever God is. God's character is a character of integrity; everything
is  integrated.  If  we  do not share that character we have no faintest
notion as to what the word God might mean. We may have some concepts and
beliefs  about  it, we may get into very heated arguments on this score,
but if we find it necessary to argue, it is evidence of the fact that we
don't know. We know only through experience, not on the basis of belief.
We may beleive something; that's fine as a starting point perhaps, if we
are willing to relinquish this beleif after a while because we move into
a larger vision.

rjb@akgua.UUCP (06/19/84)


You can't give away what you don't have.

Christianity deals with the self first and your relationship
with God because without that being squared away you won't be
much use to any of your fellow humans or yourself.

Jesus did a good job of demonstrating that you had to love
yourself (that is value yourself because God loves you first.)

When you get to that point you are able to give love and any other
needed thing to your brothers and sisters.

"Love isn't Love till you give it away, give it away,..."
- Sunday School Song from long ago...

Bob Brown {...ihnp4!akgua!rjb}
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