[net.religion] books about the bible

hartley@uvm-cs.UUCP (Stephen J. Hartley) (08/09/84)

  I want to thank those who responded to my question about scholarly books
about the historical accuracy of the Bible.  By far and away the most highly
recommended books were the two volumes by Isaac Asimov on the Old and New
Testaments.  Another book mentioned was F. F. Bruce's "The New Testament
Documents: Are They Reliable."
"If that's true, then I'm the Pope!"		Stephen J. Hartley
USENET:	decvax!dartvax!uvm-gen!uvm-cs!hartley	The University of Vermont
CSNET:	hartley%uvm@csnet-relay			(802) 656-3330

pmd@cbscc.UUCP (Paul Dubuc) (08/13/84)

>  I want to thank those who responded to my question about scholarly books
>about the historical accuracy of the Bible.  By far and away the most highly
>recommended books were the two volumes by Isaac Asimov on the Old and New
>Testaments.  Another book mentioned was F. F. Bruce's "The New Testament
>Documents: Are They Reliable."

I've wondered about Asimov's credentials as a Bible scholar.  He's a popular
science writer and has written many books on diverse subjects, but I wonder
how much time he's had to do a detailed study in any one area.  On the other
hand, there are those who have devoted their whole lives to biblical research.
Anyway, one book that, I hope, was not left out of the list is "A General
Introduction to the Bible" by Geisler and Nix.


Paul Dubuc 		{cbosgd,ihnp4}!cbscc!pmd

  The true light that enlightens every one was coming
  into the world...		(John 1:9)