ellen@ucla-cs.UUCP (08/23/84)
my goodness, or yours, for that matter, what IS this? net.bible? there really are so many more belief systems in our world, not to mention others we may only dream of, that i find this net.group to be getting (actually, it has gotten) really dull. thanks to the net.person who posted favorite passages from the Tao Te Ching. this god-person stuff is so dull. yes, for Judeo-Christians, i think it DOES matter if you call the forces in the universe "HE" since that really does leave a lot of folks out from actively participating in/partaking of that energy. on the other hand, there must be some buddhists/hindus/others out there with spiritual thoughts to contribute. i'm a spiritual concatenation myself. any PAGANS out there? i'd like to hear from you.