[net.religion] Perhaps probability - How long is a day?

billd@bolton.UUCP (Bill Duffy) (08/22/84)

[Here's one for the phantom line eater]

	Agreed. What is a belief in something that you cannot prove.


	Even the atheist are religious (putting on my flame-proof suit),
	for the sole reason that they cannot prove that which they believe.

	For myself I find wisdom in these words:

	  "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching,
	  for reproving, for setting things strait, for disciplining in 
	  righteousness" - 2 Tim.3:16

	  "In the beginning God created..." - Gen.1:1

	Scripture says that God created everything in 6 days, and on the 7th
	he rested (see Gen.2:1,2). Now I have a question to pose. In the light
	of the following scripture, How long were the 7 days spoken of in
	these verses (paraphrased):

	Gen.2:4 - A "day" can mean a period of time.

	Ps.90:4; 2 Pet.3:8 - A "day" of God's may be an very long time.

	Gen.2:2,3; Heb.4:3-5 - God's sabbath "day" (7th creative "day", or
		rest "day") began at the close of earthly creation.

	Heb.4:6-8; Ps.95:7-9,11 - God's "day" of rest continued past
		Jesus' day on earth.

	Heb.4:9,10 - Entering into God's rest requires resting from our own
		works of self-interest.

	1 Cor.15:24,28 - God comes out of his rest upon completion of
		Jesus' rule.

		Bill Duffy

P.S. All scripture quotes are from the 

	"New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures"

	1981 edition, published by the
	Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

mangoe@umcp-cs.UUCP (Charley Wingate) (09/05/84)

> = __

> Even the atheist are religious (putting on my flame-proof suit),
> for the sole reason that they cannot prove that which they believe.

Well, not the sole reason, but sufficient reason anyway.

> P.S. All scripture quotes are from the "New World Translation of the
> Holy Scriptures" 1981 edition, published by the Watchtower Bible and
> Tract Society

Those of you who intend to refer to the passages cited should be aware that
the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the publishing arm of the
Johovah's Witnesses.  The NWT is likely to differ significantly from any
of the familiar translations due to the influence of JW doctrine. (As an
example, John I:1 reads "... and the Word was a god")  Therefore it should
be read with a certain caution.  (The RC church and most protestant
denominations do not accept it as a scriptural authority.)

C Wingate