[net.religion] Why explain Sabbath to the Torahless?

yiri@ucf-cs.UUCP (Yirmiyahu BenDavid) (12/16/84)

Lately our file has 'overfilled' and we have lost MANY articles
at this site entirely and others in parts... so if I am ignoring 
someone...  it may now be because I didn't receive the article.

In answer to michab's query regarding why I bring questions such
as the desecration of the Sabbath up to goyim such as the
gentile and semitic Christians, it is because many of them are
not at all aware that these Jewish definitions have been taken
forcibly by Roman goyim and perverted and then 'packaged up' as
a deceptive COUNTERFEIT of N'tzarim Jewish teachings. These 
goyim THINK that they ARE satisfying Sabbath on sun-god day.
I know that they are spiritually blind and refuse to learn for
the most part... but they still should be told and at least
have the OPPORTUNITY to learn. Besides, a FEW do learn and
I feel they especially MUST be given that opportunity. They
should at least have the OPPORTUNITY to HEAR that the idea of
satisfying a Jewish definition via a pagan-defined action is
and always has been contrary to the unchanging scripture of
the unchanging God of the Jews and Israel. If they then still
persist in their paganism and ignorance, then at least they
have been exposed to the challenge even if they were too
lazy to seek it out and pursue it for themselves in the
first place. (Even I get impatient though when they then
INSIST on being spoonfed every bite or pitch a hunger strike!)