[net.religion] G and N - humanists

lffast@watrose.UUCP (lffast) (12/19/84)

> What I can't buy is the secular humanist view of man constantly improving
> *himself* (with or without God, it doesn't matter) to the point where a
> *perfect* society will evolve.  For me, the evidence just isn't there.
> For example, wasn't World War I called "the war to end all wars"?

Now maybe there are some humanists out there that believe that man is evolving
into a perfect society, but there are also monotheists out there that believe
the world will be a better place if we get rid o' them commie faggots ( :-) ).

I'm a humanist (I think), and I think that the idea is that through Love
(Christians read God) we can live better lives.  My personal (not necessarily
humanist) view is that the "thingness" of the world changes. This isn't
to say that things get better or worse, they just change.  This is actually
a Taoist attitude, but I only found this name for it a month ago.

	Larry Fast ( University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario )
The opinions expressed here are MINE ( but I'd never admit it ).