[net.religion] To Yosi Hoshen re. Anti-Mormon T.V. program

arndt@lymph.DEC (02/04/85)

If the program was all you said it was I tend to agree with you.  Of course
not all 'evangelical Christians' (can you define that please?) agree with each
others views on most anything - just like Jews, eh?

I'm sure that there is an old Hebrew saying that describes every situation,
thanks for one more for my bag.  The Jews are a people who are true 'word
smiths', perhaps because of the place the 'word' has in their traditions.
Seen the book, Joys of Yiddish?

By the way, can you as a Hebrew 'prove your religion'?  Just thought I'd ask.

I find it just a bit ironic for a Jew to look askance at someone who holds thier(their) religion to be the 'true' one and others to be false.  Don't you????

"No one can embarass you like one of your own."
            Old Protestant Saying


Ken Arndt
             "My GAWD!  It's full of cars!"
                  (Last communication from Ken Arndt last Friday upon his
                   arriving late in the DEC parking lot.)

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Dinsdale Piranha) (02/07/85)

> I'm sure that there is an old Hebrew saying that describes every situation,
> thanks for one more for my bag.  The Jews are a people who are true 'word
> smiths', perhaps because of the place the 'word' has in their traditions.
> Seen the book, Joys of Yiddish?
> By the way, can you as a Hebrew 'prove your religion'?  Just thought I'd ask.

No more or less than you (or anyone else) as a Christian.  Which in turn leads
to the question:  Since none of them [religions] can be proved, why should any 
of them have a foothold in determining societal morality for everyone?

> I find it just a bit ironic for a Jew to look askance at someone who holds
> their religion to be the 'true' one and others to be false.  Don't you????

But no so ironic for others to do so, eh, Ken?  All religions are in the
same boat.

> "No one can embarass you like one of your own."
>             Old Protestant Saying

This is why Ken has never been embarrassed.  There's no one else like him.
"Right now it's only a notion, but I'm hoping to turn it into an idea, and if
 I get enough money I can make it into a concept."       Rich Rosen pyuxd!rlr

jho@ihuxn.UUCP (Yosi Hoshen) (02/07/85)

Dear Ken Arndt,

You seem to have some questions regarding my motives/intentions
/beliefs/sources for my posting. So let me clarify some of them.

>I'm sure that there is an old Hebrew saying that describes every situation,
>thanks for one more for my bag.  The Jews are a people who are true 'word
>smiths', perhaps because of the place the 'word' has in their traditions.
>Seen the book, Joys of Yiddish? [ARNDT]

I have used the Hebrew saying "The camel does not see its hump" to
describe the fundamentalists' attitude towards the Mormons.  The
producers of the anti-Mormon propaganda piece titled "The GodMakers"
charged that Mormons cannot prove their claims.  I thought
that this is a rather ludicrous  charge, since the  fundamentalists
are not more successful in proving their claims.  I don't think
that the above Hebrew Saying is derived  from Yiddish.  It
is more likely originated from Arabic.

>By the way, can you as a Hebrew 'prove your religion'?  Just thought I'd ask.
>I find it just a bit ironic for a Jew to look askance at someone who holds
>their(their) religion to be the 'true' one and others to be false.  Don't 

My dear Arndt where did you get the notion that I have a religion?
Or that I hold the Jewish religion to be 'true'.  I am Jewish,
but I don't consider the Jewish religion to be true.  (I don't understand
what the word true means).  Until proven otherwise, I consider the Jewish
religion, Christianity, Mormonism, Catholicism, Helenism, etc to be
a form of superstition, and deities such as Jehovah, Zeus, Odin, 
(and let us not forget Ubizmo) creatures of the human imagination.  
I see no more evidence for the existence of the above gods than evidence
for fairy tale creatures such as the Wizard of Oz.  My only
objections are to religious and anti-religious coercion and intolerance.
If the GodMaker program was produced by Jews, Moslems, Ubizmoists, 
or Atheists, I would be just as critical.

Yosi Hoshen, Bell Laboratories
Naperville, Illinois, (312)-979-7321, Mail: ihnp4!ihuxn!jho