V6M@PSUVM.BITNET (02/07/85)
<<>>> Awhile back someone posed the question about the difference. "Ethics is the philosophical study of voluntary human action, with the purpose of determining what types of activity are good, right and to be done or bad,wrong and not to be done, so that man may live well." FROM: The elements of philosophy...Wm. Wallace O.P. p. 149 "Morality is the quality attributable to human action by reason of its conformity or lack of conformity to the standard of rule according to which it should be regulated. This supposes that human actions are voluntary and responsible and that there is a standard or rule by which human conduct can be measured." FROM: Ibid. p.163. We can see that there is atheistic morality and ethics and religious morality and ethics. They are not mutually exclusive either. Marchionni