fcw@druxu.UUCP (02/17/85)
As is usually the case, recent reseach has been totally ignored concerning just what Mormons and related groups should be classified as by non-Mormons. Most Mormon bodies (LDS, RLDS, Bickertonite, Strangite, etc.) will view themselves as a restoration of the original Christianity. One should not expect other religious groups to accept that claim. At the same time, it is just much too easy to use the term CULT on the Mormons. We have to define CULT in some narrow way so as to exclude all so-called Orthodox Christian groups. Look up CULT in the dictionary. What stops any relgious group from being called a CULT? Dr. Walter Martin and others who write anti-Mormon books have had to re-define CULT to force its application to ONLY those groups outside main-steam Protestanism/Catholicism, which would include Mormons. Well, the LDS, at least, have no desire to be considered either Protestant or Catholic. So we seem to have a point of agreement. Are they not Christian? They hold up Christ as a central point in their theology. Joseph Smith did not say "Here, I am the Christ." His theology, regardless of where it was derived, consistantly held up Christ as Saviour. The Book of Mormon and the Inspired Version of the Bible emphasis the role of Christ to a much higher degree than the Protestant/Catholic versions of the Bible. (DO not believe me? Read them then). I am not saying that this makes Mormonism true or false, I am saying that many so-called Orthodox Christians who smugly declare Mormonism non-Christian are simply taking someon elses word for it. Jan Shipps, former President of the Mormon Historical Society (who is not now nor never has been a member of any of the 100 or so Mormon groups) recently published a book setting forth the thesis that Mormonism should be regarded as a new religious tradition much as Christianity is regarded as a separate religious tradition form Judaism. Maybe this is a good place to start. I am sure that early Christians were regarded as a CULT fo Essenes or something like that by their "Orthodox" Jewish contemporaries. An unrelated note: Dr. Michael Quinn of BYU pointed out that Joseph Smith suggested several forms of sucession before his assasination. The Salt Lake LDS and related groups accepted the one that he suggested in which the Senior-most Apostle would accend to the Presidency of the Church. The Missouri-base RLDS accepted an alternative in which the eldest son would be Joseph's successor. Joseph Smith's son was never ordained in the strictest sense of the word (by his own admission), but rather blessed that should he live worthily we would eventually assend to his father's place. Even Brigham Young acknowleged this. It was not until young Joseph Smith III joined forces with former Strangite (yet another group) members to form the RLDS Church that Brigham Young realized that Joseph's name-sake would not be comming to Salt Lake City. There are so many other things stated in the dialog that has gone on here so far that I could disagree with but I will let this suffice. Craig Wolverton As always, my expressions here are my own and not those of my employer or anyone else. Brigham Young turned his back on JS III.