arndt@lymph.DEC (02/26/85)
Enjoyed your posting Don. (Is that the kiss of death?? :-) I think, however, that your anaylsis of the state of the nation vis a vis moral/religious values is about eight years behind the times. I refer to Wattenberg's book, THE GOOD NEWS IS THE BAD NEWS IS WRONG, and Pine's book, BACK TO BASICS. Both these 'gentlemen', coming from different political standpoints, view a rise of 'traditional values' taking place in our country. Even the Sundy Supplements cover it so it must be happening. Granted it is not a mirror image of the past, it never can be, eh? But there IS a turn to the 'right', 'past', or whatever you wish to call it and THERE IS a turning away from 'liberal' nostrums and values. (Soon Ted Kennedy will be stuffed at the Smithsonian as a historical artifact!) You see, the problem with many of those on this net who take the classical 'liberal' line is either that they live in Mass. (it's the air) or they are so out of contact with the 'real' world - not hard to understand as most of them are techies - that they don't know they are sinking into the tar pits to be uncovered and gaped at by future generations. I view their upsets over my views as their dying struggles against the forces of 'reality'. You may notice that the only place left to protest for them is in front of coin stores and the So. African Embassy. All the rest, poverty, ERA, Freeze, nukes, is now the sole property of certified cranks. And to paraphrase someone, "The cranks you will always have with you." You may notice that in Congress most of the democrats even are trying to out-Reagan Reagan on the budget and . . . well, the examples are to many to start listing. Keep chargin' Ken Arndt