[net.religion] To Don Black

hua@cmu-cs-gandalf.ARPA (Ernest Hua) (02/27/85)

>     I would like to make the observation that "Conservative" views on almost
>any subject, and religion in particular, are very unpopular these days.

Poppy Cock!  Check out the new rise in the conservative values
(a la Ron Old Ray Gun).

>old beliefs and values that served well for millenia have in general been
>thrown to the winds because "they don't fit in today's modern world."  "We
>don't need to follow Scripture on that subject.  That only applied back then."

I doubt that the Scripture (I assume that you are referring to the Bible)
served well for "millenia".  I suppose that you consider the Inquisition
and the Crusades as examples of serving well.  (I would like also to ask
you WHO or WHAT did they serve well.)  I doubt that the Scripture really
fits any world at all.  Did you know that the earth is young (like 6000
years old)?  Did you know that the earth is flat?  etc...  Obviously you
are something to the effect of a fundamentalist christian or the like.
If you must accept the Scriptures, I would suggest that you teleport back
to the Dark Ages when you do not get flamed on USENET for such a view.

>People tend to follow the crowd, and pick up the currently popular fads.
>"Try it, you'll like it."

Where did you get this view?  Is it really a view that people have?  It
seems that you are using double standards.  If people were so vulnerable
to bandwagoning now, why not then?  I suppose that people were just as
gullible back then as they are now.  (Why not?  People did not evolve,
did they?  I doubt that you could accept such a thing.)

>     I submit that most of the problems in today's modern world are caused
>by the discarding of the old traditions, beliefs, and liturgies by the world's
>major religions.

Excuse me, but why don't you walk outside your door and look at the world.
The churches are not sitting in ruins.  In fact, they are as strong as ever!
With the help of our beloved President, we HAVE managed to impose the old
values on people.  (More on this later.)

I personally submit that most of the problems in the world, now and then,
are caused by the existence of people like you who want to get old, rusty
traditions back.  We should have discarded YOU along with the traditions.

>I believe that a general return to the Old Ways would
>bring a substantial improvement to the quality of life for the world.  I
>personnally have found that my understanding of the world around me, and
>my sense of purpose in life, has improved greatly since I discovered a
>Conservative belief about religion.

Tell me about your sense of purpose in life.  (I promise not to laugh
for at least a minute after you are done.)

>     I also do believe that this return to the Old Ways should absolutely
>include a tolerance for the beliefs and opinions of everyone else.  We were
>all created as individuals, and as such we are entitled to our own personal
>views.  We are also entitled to allow those beliefs, opinions, and views
>dictate how we conduct our lives and affairs as an individual.  And if
>some of us join together as a group with common beliefs, then that group
>has the equal right to exist, even if its beliefs and philosophies conflict
>with those of another group or individual.

You are trying to put your back to the wall (and doing a great job of it)!
Old Ways and tolerance?!  Can you say "Puritanism"?  Can you say "Witch
Trials"?  Can you say "Inquisition"?  Can you say ...  By the way ...
WHOSE old ways are you talking about?!  Certainly not the South Africans'!
Certainly not the American Indians'!  So what in the world are you talking
about?!  If you are referring to the old ways of Americans ... Can you
say "SLAVERY"?  Can you say ...

>     I have found that many people consider the Christian Identity movement
>to be very bigoted, almost Neo-Nazi.  Nationalistic it may be, but definitely
>NOT socialist.  And I haven't yet found any of our clergy advocating the
>opening of "refugee" camps or the displacement of other religious or ethnic
>groups.  On the other hand, there are undeniably several movements whose 
>only goal is to destroy religion and enslave anyone who espouses it.

REALLY?!  Which movements' only goal is to destroy religion and enslave
anyone who espouses it.  Please do not tell me about Reverend Greg Dixon
and the clan that he is part of.  (You know, the people that drew up that
petition that demanded that the federal government be stripped of its
control of religion.  That movement houses some of the most bigoted,
intolerant people that exist today.  Reverend James Robinson is among
these people.)

>     I will end this submission with a question for thought:
>     What if the United States really was founded with a religious purpose,
>and what if our prosperity as a Nation really is linked to our willingness
>to follow religious laws?
>     (OK, I admit the next question obviously is, whose do we follow?  Answer:
>That's up to the individual.)

Contradiction, once again!  You want tradition.  You want tolerance.  First
WHOSE traditions?  (You say that is left up to the individual.  But why
limit the individual to the set of traditional values, when you could do
one step better, and let the individual decide on values in general, which
obviously includes the traditional ones.)

Your entire proposition smells foul and even humorous.  I have decided
that I will simply discard it as bunk, since the hypocrisy is overwhelming.