[net.religion] Return With Us Now To Those Thrilling Days Of Yester-Year!

amra@ihu1n.UUCP (s. aldrich) (03/05/85)


  Although you are entitled to hold your particular view(s), I believe
 there are MANY OTHERS in the world at large who may not. I'd like to
 make a few brief comments on a couple of the points you addressed.

   Here goes.......


From: black@nisysg.DEC
Newsgroups: net.religion
Subject: Faux pas; Identity
Message-ID: <715@decwrl.UUCP>

Please also understand that there are also some of us who, while being ded-
icated to the concept of the equality of the sexes, firmly believe that the 
philosophies of Unisex and/or Homosexuality are distasteful at best.

   *** MY COMMENT(S): ********

     Why have you lumped UNISEX & HOMOSEXUALITY TOGETHER? Since when
   have "Androgeny" & "Homosexuality" been interchangeable? Last I heard
   they are totally seperate issues/concepts/practices. What should be done
   with those persons who choose NOT to "CONFORM" to YOUR STANDARDS of
    "NORMALITY"? Also, are you implying that the "women's movement" is
    "responsible" for both the Unisex & Homosexual movements? Please, I'd
    really be interested to hear your reply. SLA


People tend to follow the crowd, and pick up the currently popular fads.
"Try it, you'll like it."

  **** MY COMMENTS: ******

    Gee, this sounds like a very close "approximation" of why some, (many?)
  people join "Organized Religious Movements", such as the {Non}-Moral
  {NON}-Majority, to me. If everyone would only think/act/speak/etc...
  the same, it would resolve All of our differences right? :-)

     I submit that most of the problems in today's modern world are caused
by the discarding of the old traditions, beliefs, and liturgies by the world's
major religions.  I believe that a general return to the Old Ways would
bring a substantial improvement to the quality of life for the world.  I 
personnally have found that my understanding of the world around me, and
my sense of purpose in life, has improved greatly since I discovered a
Conservative belief about religion.

 ***** MY COMMENTS: ********

  I disagree very strongly with the above comments. In my opinion, for
 what *little* that's worth, many of "Today Problems.." are so bad because
 of the "Good-Old-Days" which you're so fond of. Back then people didn't
 address/re-dress these problems, they "usually" IGNORED THEM ALTOGETHER!

  Are you implying that in the "Good Old Days" people didn't sexually
 molest their children or others? What about Slavery? What about Racial
 Segregation? What about "Homosexuals"? WHat about ......? You can't really
 think these problems are only "recent" ones can you? Comments?.....

 And I haven't yet found any of our clergy advocating the
opening of "refugee" camps or the displacement of other religious or ethnic
groups.  On the other hand, there are undeniably several movements whose 
only goal is to destroy religion and enslave anyone who espouses it.  

**** MY COMMENTS: *********

   No, but they have begun "BURNING BOOKS & RECORDS" which is only a 
  short step away. They Also wish to "BAN CERTAIN BOOKS" from our school
  systems. Sounds like they're already on their way to re-instating the
  "witch-hunt" again in society. Also, I seem to recall that in the
 "Good Old Days" that numerous "Religious Authorities" instigated "movements
 to destroy and enslave any group or individual who didn't go along with
 "THEIR VERSION" of reality! I'm not advocating the abolition of religion,
 but it has had more than a few "Crusades" to wipe the Heathens/Pagans
 off the face of the planet! Try Reading some History Books for a change!
 There are other good books besides "THE GOOD BOOK" around. 


   I'd be interested to hear your followup to the above Don. I hope to hear
  from you ASAP on this. If I've made some "errors" please correct me. I try
  to keep an open mind on these things.

    Maybe that is what's REALLY is bothering you about "todays society"; too
   many people who think for themselves.

   From THE Resident Zen-Baptist:
    Steven L. Aldrich (ihnp4!ihu1n!amra)

  "...Your Daily Life Is Your Temple & Your Religion! Whenever You Enter
  Into It, Take With You Your All." From "The Prophet "

  P.S. If we MUST GO BACKWARD in time, let's be SMART and return to the
      TREES!" There'd be a lot less sufferring for the PLANET if we only
      could/would! If those little furry critters had stayed where they 
      were, this whole argument would be POINTLESS! OOPS, I forgot YOU
      ,and your kind, NEVER EVOLVED! Maybe THAT's the REAL Problem. :-)

amra@ihu1n.UUCP (s. aldrich) (03/06/85)

  { SPACE....The Emptiness Between Our Ears! :-) }

   In My Previous Posting I made a SLIGHT Error in my opening statements.
  Please allow me to correct this over-sight. See Below for correction...

>     Don,
>   Although you are entitled to hold your particular view(s), I believe
>  there are MANY OTHERS in the world at large who may not. I'd like to
>  make a few brief comments on a couple of the points you addressed.


  Although you are entitled to hold your particular view(s), I believe
 there are MANY OTHERS in the world who may not agree with you. I'd like to
 make a few brief comments on a couple of the points you addressed.

   I hope this clears up any "confusion" as to my intent. My regrets for
   this glaring error! Mea Culpa.....

    From THE Resident Zen-Baptist:
     Steven L. Aldrich (ihnp4!ihu1n!amra)
   "...Your Daily Life Is Your Temple & Your Religion! Whenever You Enter
   Into It, Take With You Your All." From "The Prophet "

steiny@scc.UUCP (Don Steiny) (03/18/85)

>      Why have you lumped UNISEX & HOMOSEXUALITY TOGETHER? Since when
>    have "Androgeny" & "Homosexuality" been interchangeable? Last I heard
>    they are totally seperate issues/concepts/practices. 

	A few weeks ago I overheard a conversation in the 7-11 between
two young women.  One saw a picture of Prince or Michael Jackson
(or somebody like that) and said to the other "I wonder if he
is androgenous?"  (I got real interested, wondering why she
didn't just look at his picture on the cover of the magazine
to find out).   The other said "What does androgenous mean?" (I
lucked out!).  The first said, "you know, they are both sexes."
After looking through the magazine for a moment she said "ah yes,
here it is, he's androgenous!"   It seems that she confused
the word "androgenous" with "hermaphroditic".     Perhaps
the confusion is more common than I realized.

Don Steiny - Personetics @ (408) 425-0382    ihnp4!pesnta   -\
109 Torrey Pine Terr.                        ucbvax!twg     --> scc!steiny
Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060                     fortune!idsvax -/