[net.religion] In response to Tinkham

jj@alice.UUCP (03/29/85)

Mr. Tinkham.  You didn't mention several important issues in your article.

The most obvious and necessary is that failing to answer at all grants
Mr. Black (and others) continuted license to use the word "Christian"
and derivitives with impunity.  This failure to assure make your 
disassociation evident puts you in a poor rhetorical position when
you have to(as you clearly eventually will) debate Mr. Black's
organization regarding the meaning of "Christianity".   In addition,
you put yourself (and your fellow Christians, who you are supposed
to love <I dunno how that relates to protecting them from slander>
in a position where you all are agreeing (by not commenting ) to 
what some might regard defamation or slander.

In addition, their use of the "Christian" label permits them to
use it on a daily basis to defraud individuals unaware of their
true behavior, gain converts who can be easily misled (i.e.
fodder) into their doctrine, and so on.  This permission clearly
allows them to increase their influence, and also their power over
the defenceless fellow man.

There's so much more that isn't discussed, but I'll stop here, I don't
really think nutnews matters.  Let me finish by saying that I find your
defence of your behavior insulting.  If you would have commented
"I didn't think anyone would take this twit seriously, but since they
have, here's what I think about him" I would credit that statement,
BUT since you defend your silence rather than your religion, I
feel otherwise.

Priest 1)
	What will we do with all these pregnancies while we have
a famine.  It could bring everything down around us?
Priest 2)
	Well, we could tell them that big T doesn't want them to 
make whoopee, and tell them that it's filthy too.  All those icky
diseases they get will seem like divine retribution...
Priest 1)
	Yeah, if we tell them it's not good for them, they'll laugh,
but if me make it superstition and bad luck, maybe, just....

"... John?  Who'd of thought it! ..."