[net.religion] Is this really over, Don?

keebler@cmu-cs-edu1.ARPA (keebler) (04/04/85)


> { from: Don Black }
> Rich Rosen really outdid himself, didn't he?
> Rosen, you're so full of blind, immature hate that I can feel the
> heat  of  Hell coming off the tube into my face.

Something tells me you are full of "blind, immature hate".  Either
that or you seem to spread, intentionally or out of pure luck, the
same hatred through filthy lies.  (Or maybe they weren't lies; may-
be they were just irresponsibly ignorant statements.)

> Christ was right
> when said Pharisees were the sons of Satan. I suspect  your  dis-
> tant  relative  was  Caiaphas  himself,  the  Chief Priest of the
> Sanhedrin.
> Yeah, my fan mail has dropped off, it's now running one for  one.

At the rate you are going, I expect your fan mail to diminish quite

> One  nice  letter came from a fan at that great institution, Har-
> vard University. The person actually threatened  me  with  bodily
> harm.

I have always respected Harvard people.  Now all my doubts are re-

> On  the  other  hand, I have had at least two requests for
> more information.
> I hope you all see what I mean, about  who  is  repressing  whom.

Excuse me, but ... 

> Just  step  one  little  bit  out  of  the "established" chain of
> thought, and WHAMMO! And if it goes too far, the ADL starts  cal-
> ling  your  associates. Smear tactics almost always work. (Do the
> Knights of Colombus make slanderous phone calls?)

Try naming a few other organizations ... like KKK, Moral Majority,
... do you comprehend, simpleton?

> Rosen's tactics are  exactly  the  point  that  I  tried  to  get
> across--  there are people in this world who want to limit Ameri-
> can freedom. They will stoop to no end to crush any thing or any-
> body that opposes them. They oppose any form of Christianity, any
> form of Islam, any form of Deism.

Yes, and a lot of fundamentalist Christians oppose all of these (with
the exception of Christianity, of course), too.  I can easily pictur-
ing you excusing them.

> Hate and  physical  abuse  were
> exactly  the  tactics  used  against Zundel and the Institute for
> Historical Review. As Americans in a free society, should we con-
> done this? Should we not speak out against it?

The Institute for Historical Review is full of shit.  Since we are
in a free society, we are responsible for making clear that organ-
izations such as the IHR are full of shit.  Since I will probably
not be able to convince you that even a single Jew was killed in
the death camps of Hitler, I hereby declare you legally ignorant.
People that put forth shit like the IHR deserve to be abused for
their irresponsibility.

> That's OK, Rich. Christ told us exactly what  we're  up  against.
> And I believe it.

I wonder how many people would even consider being part of your "us".

> Only time will tell which one of us is right, me  or  Rosen.  You
> see  for  yourselves who is calling whom dirty names. You see for
> your- selves who is getting personal, who is using smear tactics.
> Christ told us in Matthew 7:16-20, by their fruits shall you know
> them. I thought the net was for the exchanging of  religious  be-
> lief. It's fairly obvious who turned it into a personal hate cam-
> paign.

As you have done in your marvelous contributions to the net...

> There is a book on the market, "Hostage to the Devil," by Malachi
> Martin,  a  Jesuit. Father Martin was an exorcist for a number of
> years.  He decribes the many "Possessions"  he  has  encountered.
> One of the attributes common to the excorcisms is that the closer
> he got to the identity of the occupying spirits, the  more  vile,
> the  more  personal  the attacks became upon himself. Sound fami-
> liar?

Well, I personally think that you are the Devil in disguise, and
that sooner or later, your evils will become quite apparent to all,
and you will be burnt at the stake ... :-)

> Sleep well tonight.

Sweet dreams, fool.

> (P.S. Don't bother Flaming me on the net. I don't  subscribe  any
> more.)

It's been real ... correcting your irresponsible statements, that is ...

Keebler { hua@cmu-cs-gandalf.arpa }