[net.religion] facts not fiction \"a rebutal\"

damon@nisysg.DEC (06/06/85)

>The statement that the Bible is the word of God is a hypothesis, and, it seems
>to me, a pretty poor one.  While God as you no doubt define him cannot
>make mistakes, you certainly can.  You can be mistaken in everything you
>believe about him (scientists are already well aware of their capability of
>being mistaken, so it is pointless to throw this one back).  To claim that
>you know an absolute truth when you see one is, like most so-called faith,
>the height of arrogance.  If you were to couch everything you say within
>"I suspect ... because ...", you might get a sense of what science
>and philosophy are about.  In the meantime, for the sake of everyone else,
>please keep out of net.philosophy any beliefs which you are not prepared
>to subject to analysis.
These feelings I can relate to very much, but thats only a reaction,
so for faith and the existence of a supreme being to the human intellect 
is a nerve racking and radical reality.   Faith --- I can say that there 
would be no philosophy without it.  For philosophy in it's self holds no 
answers to life and solutions to problems.  How ever in Jesus Christ 
(his faith, love and hope  philosophy which he made his way of life )their 
is meaning and direction given to living. AND IT WORKS !    For without 
it the opposite philosophy of death, hate and despair start working 
there reality.

Subject: Science contradicting religion (surprise)
Posted: Fri May 31 09:25:54 1985


>>...if scientific theory collides with Biblical Scripture, then something
>>has to give.  For me, Science must give.
>>Bill Gates
>At last, an electrical engineer that believes:
>The sun revolves around the earth
>The earth is about 10,000 years old
>All the marsupials & other animals were packed up on an ark while it rained
>    a lot, then, upon release, ALL the marsupials traveled hundreds of miles
>    over the ocean so they could live over the remains of fossilized marsupials
>    (which occur nowhere else).  Rabbits & foxes, however, stayed away.
>Light traveling from the Andromeda Galaxy (2 million light-years away)
>    must've been created in transit to be arriving 1,990,000 years early.
>Fortunately, the Bible failed to mention electricity.
>Don't ever think of becoming a biologist/geologist/archaeologist/astronomer. 
>Too many "contradictions".  However, this hasn't stopped other people from
>building workable hypotheses in these fields.  Too bad they contradict
>the Bible; then again, science isn't trying to.  Science tries to discover
>the truth, and preconceptions be damned!
This person is mistaken, not only does the Bible refer to the unseen 
world of the it also states the force holding it all together.

It is true that they (people in the Bible) didn't have the word electricity
but it doen't mean that they didn't acknowledge its existance.

You must relies that the universe was built on this philosophy of TRUTH 
or you have to even abandon science, for it (science) proves God ,the Father 
of Jesus Christ in archaeology, Physics and any other branch.

I recommend that this person should read his Bible with an open mind & 
concordance again.
For in IT anything that can be thought of has been mentioned at least twice.

For Example (of the top of the head):
	        Telatransportation  Acts 8:39-40, John 6:21  
		LASER beams in orbit (Star War Sys) Rev 13:13    
		Nuclear Wars   Rev 6:12-14
		Androids (robots or human statues) Rev 13:14-15

There are only two philosophies at work on the earth today in these last days.

Love  ===  God (Father of Jesus Christ)the trinity

Hate  ===  Satan (God of the air & world system)
If one denies HIM he doesn't yet Know HIM.
