[net.religion] Evidences for Religion

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Arthur Pewtey) (01/01/70)

> 		  Evidence For The Historical Jesus

Again, whether or not a man named Jesus walked the earth and said the things
he is attributed with saying is irrelevant to proving the notions of divinity
surrounding his existence in Christian thought.

>    The references in the Talmud demonstrate some knowledge of Jesus as
>    a historical figure but gives some indication of the scorn with which
>    Rabbi's regarded him.
>    For example, one passage refers to the hanging of Jeshu of Nazareth
>    and mentions his practice of sorcery. Another refers to five disciples
>    of Jesus by name, but none of the names coincide with the Gospels.

Could this be an error? :-?  It's not surprising that Jewish documents
mention such a person and even call him a sorcerer.  Just as the disciples
were writing documents (commercials?) glorifying him, those who were against
him (the status quo) said negative things about him.  None of this is either
surprising or relevant to "objective evidence".

>    There is a reference to Him departing and coming again. One portion
>    warns that this man will lead the whole world astray.

Another example of an unearthed accurate historical document (and one that
made a valid prediction?--or was it really Jesus who led people astray?)
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day
 to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human
 being can fight and never stop fighting."  - e. e. cummings
	Rich Rosen	ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr

dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovich) (05/30/85)

  Hello out there in netland. I am putting together a pamphlet on
  "Objective Evidences For The Christian Faith" and I thought I
  would try them out on you net.religioners for size. The articles
  contain excerpts from various authors put together as concise as
  possible. Please feel free to comment, criticize, or flame away.
  If they survive netland, their ready to hit the press!

  There are four of them so I will post them one at a time!


dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovich) (05/30/85)

		    Reliability of The New Testament

 It is true that Christianity views the bible as God's revealed word
 to mankind. Those who oppose this view object that the biblical
 account can not be deemed reliable. It is argued that the accounts
 would become distorted during their textual transmission.

 However, it can be shown that the New Testament documents are the most
 reliable of all historical documents; and to reject the New Testament
 records without rejecting all other historical documents and regarding
 them unreliable, would be to act in utter bias and absurdity.

 Manuscript Evidence

 There are more than 5300 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament
 today. Over 24,000 manuscript copies of portions of the New Testament.

 No other document of antiquity even begins to approach such numbers
 and attestation. In comparison, the "Iliad", by Homer, is second with
 only 643 manuscripts that still survive.

 Besides the number of manuscripts, the New Testament differs from all
 other writings in its interval of time between the composition of the
 book and date of the earliest extant manuscripts. The New Testament
 books were written (originals) in the latter part of the first century.
 The oldest manuscripts in exsistance are of the fourth century. From
 250 - 300 years later. This is nothing compared to most of the great
 classical authors. Examples below:

			   no. of manuscripts      interval of time
 Ceasar's Gallic Wars             10                900 years later

 Roman History of Livy            35                400 years

 Histories of Tacitus             14                800 - 1000 years

 History of Thucydides             8                1300 years

 History of Herodotus              ?                1300 years

 Greenlee writes in "Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism",
 "The oldest known manuscripts of most of the Greek classical authors
 are dated a thousand years or so after the authors death.

 In all of these thousands of manuscripts, there is a discrepency rate
 of less than 1 per cent while there is five per cent textual corruption
 in the Iliad. 40 lines of the New Testament in question as compared to
 764 lines in the Iliad.

 Gleason Archer, "A careful study of the variants of the various earliest
 manuscripts reveals that none of them affects a single doctrine of

 Benjamin Warfield, "If we compare the present state of the New Testament
 with that of any other ancient writing, we must declare it to be
 marvelously correct.

 The New Testament has been transmitted to us with no or next to no
 variation; and even the most corrupt form in which it has appeared,
 the real text of the sacred writers is competently exact.

 The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947. The scrolls were dated
 125 B.C. and was placed in the location about A.D. 68.
 The tremendous exactness with the Isaiah scroll found compared to
 the Massoretic text of Isaiah that we already possessed, dated 916 A.D.,
 demonstrates the unusual accuracy of the copyists of Scripture.

 Reliability supported by external writings

 The church Fathers of the first and second centuries qouted the scriptures
 in their writings extensively.

 Between Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alex., Origen, Tertullian,
 Hippolytus, and Eusebius, the Gospels were quoted over 19,000 times,
 the book of Acts quoted 1352 times, Paul's epistles over 14,000 times,
 general epistles 870 times, book of revelation 664 times for a total
 of 36,289 quotations.

 Are the Scriptures reliable?

 F. F. Bruce, "Scholars are satisfied that they possess substantially
 the true text of the principal Greek and Roman writers whose works
 have come down to us; of Sophocles, of Thucydides, of Cicero, of
 Virgil; yet our knowledge of their writings depends on a mere handful
 of manuscripts, whereas the manuscripts of the New Testament are counted
 by hundreds, and even thousands.

dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovich) (05/30/85)

		      The Uniqueness of The Bible

  Unique in its continuity:

  Written over a 1500 year span; 40 generations.

  Written by over 40 authors from every walk of life (Kings, peasants, poets,
  fisherman, herdsman, doctor, tax collector etc.)

  Written in different places:

  In the wilderness, in dungeons, in a palace, in prisons etc.

  Written during different moods:
  Written in war time, peace time, heights of joy, depths of sorrow.

  Written on three continents; Asia, Africa, Europe.

  Written in three languages; Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek.

  Its subject matter includes hundreds of controversial subjects which
  would normally create oppossing opinions when discussed, yet biblical
  writers spoke on these issues with harmony and continuity. There is
  one unfolding story: God's Redemption of Man.
  The message is one great drama in which all parts fit together!
  Such a work, encompassing the lives of generations of individuals,
  can only be accounted for by a common author, the Spirit of God.

  Unique in its Teachings:

  Historical accounts found to be tremendously accurate. Confirmed by
  other historians, by archealogy, by geography.

  Teaches contrary to human thought.

  Records the sins and failures of its own characters and own country.

  Even the greatest of the Heroes are shown at their worst. King David
  commits adultry, Moses loses his temper and disobeys God, Elijah
  falls into self-pity, Jonah disobeys God out of prejudice, Peter
  denies Christ, Paul condemns himself for persecuting the church,
  Jacob deceives his brother out of his birth right.

  The great prophets of Isreal and the Apostles accuse their country
  of disobedience, wickedness, and apostasy.

  Who would paint such a picture of man as we find in scripture. Man's
  tendency is to either exalt himself above what he is or reduce himself
  below his true nature. Man also has a tendency to avoid responsibility
  for his own actions. This attribute of secular humanism, blaming our
  environment, genes, and other people for our behaviour is nothing new.
  It all began when God questioned Adam, "Did you eat of the fruit that
  I told you not to eat?" Adam's irresponsible reply, "The WOMAN that YOU
  GAVE ME gave me the fruit and I ate it!"
  The writer's of scripture could only have portrayed such an accurate
  picture of man, writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

  The bible is unique in its teaching about salvation. All religions of
  the world have one thing in common. They all portray salvation as
  attainable through human effort. The natural desire of man to earn
  merit is completely absent in the writers of scripture as they, one
  by one, from Genesis to Revelation, illustrate the inadequecy of man
  and the Gracious gift of God: Salvation!

  The teaching of Christ attest to the bible's uniqueness! The very
  restrained portrait of Christ testifies to their inspiration. One
  only has to read the mythologies of various cultures to see the
  propensity of man to embellish the truth with fantastic imagination.
  Even the non-biblical writings of Jesus, portray him as a childhood
  prodigy instructing His schoolteachers with hidden mysteries in the
  alphabet and astounding His family and playmates with miraculous works.
  One story has Jesus, age 5, fashioning 12 sparrows out of clay on the
  Sabbath. When questioned by His father about such activity, Jesus clapped
  His hands and the sparrows flew away chirping!
  In total contrast, the Bible portrays the miracles of Christ with straight
  forward simplicity. The biblical writers purpose is not to entertain or
  to sensationalize, but to demonstrate the power, authority, and glory
  of Christ.

  The bible has survived various attacks and attempts to destroy it.
  Some powerful men in history have tried to rid the world of the holy
  Scriptures, as others have predicted its demise. The French humanist,
  Voltaire, boastfully proclaimed, "Fifty years from now the world will
  hear no more of the Bible." In that year, the British Museum purchased
  one manuscript of the Greek New Testament from the Russian government
  for $500,000 while a copy of his own book was selling for eight cents
  a copy! Fifty years after his death, bibles were being printed by the
  Geneva Bible Society in the very house where Voltaire had lived and
  on his presses!

  The Bible, is the only religious book in which there has never been
  found a legitimate error. The Koran, the Book of Mormon, and many other
  "sacred" books contain gross errors and inconsistencies.

  The bible is accurate in history, science, and most importantly, in
  human nature. The hope of mankind is not in our world leaders, not in
  science, but in the intervention of God in human history, in the person
  of Jesus Christ. One need only examine the content of the sacred
  scriptures for a clear, accurate description of the world today. Mankind,
  in his rejection of the creator/redeemer, has vainly attempted to
  recapture his lost dominion over nature and mortality, destroying
  everything in his path in the process. All the while the Saviour waits,
  hands outstretched, longing to restore man to his God-given image.
  The most unique book the world has ever known, Gods loveletter to the
  human race, contains the solutions to the worlds problems and the remedy
  for the human paradox. A book as unique as the bible could only be
  supernatural in origin!

dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovich) (05/30/85)

		  Evidence For The Historical Jesus

   Cornelius Tacitus reports about the Christians in the time of
   Nero (A.D.64) and mentions that Christ was executed in the reign
   of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate.

   Pliny, in his letter to the Emperor Trajan, concerning the
   "superstition" of Christianity, refers to Christ. Pliny was
   seeking council from Trajan as to how to treat the christians.
   Pliny had been killing all he could find (men, women, & children),
   and wondered if he should continue.

   Suetonius mentions the expulsion form Rome of certain Jews who had
   caused a great tumult under the influence of "Christus". (A.D.120)

   Josephus, a Jewish historian, wrote a history of the Jews which
   he titled "Antiquities". Born in A.D. 37, Josephus is described as
   an egoist, motivated by self-interest, and a flatterer of the Romans.

   One statement in "Antiquities" gives an account of Herod's action in
   killing John The Baptist, which supports the validity of the Gospel

   Another passage makes specific statements about Jesus. Here it is:
   "Now about this time arose Jesus, a wise man, if indeed he should be
   called a man. For He was a doer of marvellous deeds, a teacher of
   men who receive the truth with pleasure, and he won over to himself
   many Jews and many also of the Greek nation. He was the Christ. And
   when on the indictment of the principal men among us Pilate had
   sentenced Him to the cross, those who had loved him at the first did
   not cease; for He appeared to them on the third day alive again. The
   divine prophets having foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful
   things concerning Him. And even now the tribe of Christians named
   after Him is not extinct.

   A third passage in Antiquities mentions Jesus in connection with James,
   His brother, whose murder by the Sanhedrin Josephus describes.

   There are also statements concerning Jesus in Josephus' work, "The
   Jewish Wars".

   Josephus is the principle source for Jewish history between 100 B.C.
   and 100 A.D. Recent archeological discoveries at Qumran and Masada
   have indicated that the accounts of Josephus are remarkably accurate
   and rank him as a topographer. His writings also speak of other
   Gospel personalities such as Herod, Pilate, Agrippa, Felix, etc.
   Arnold Toynbee rates him among the first five greatest Hellenic (Greek)
   historians, along with Herodotus, Thucydides, Polybius, and Xenophon.

   There are several references to Jesus in the Jewish Talmud. This Talmud
   is an extra-biblical sacred book of the Jews. It contains the record
   of laws and traditions which were not recorded in the Old Testament.

   The Talmud was compiled between the last century B.C. and the early
   second century A.D. It was completed by Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi in A.D.

   The references in the Talmud demonstrate some knowledge of Jesus as
   a historical figure but gives some indication of the scorn with which
   Rabbi's regarded him.

   For example, one passage refers to the hanging of Jeshu of Nazareth
   and mentions his practice of sorcery. Another refers to five disciples
   of Jesus by name, but none of the names coincide with the Gospels.
   Another passage describes a proselyte calling up the spirit of Jesus
   by spells while another refers to a man "born of a woman" who was to
   arise and "make himself God", against whom people were warned.

   There is a reference to Him departing and coming again. One portion
   warns that this man will lead the whole world astray. In two sayings
   there are descriptions of Jesus reflecting Jewish ridicule of the
   Virgin Birth.

   Lucian of Samosata was a satirist of the second century, who spoke
   scornfully of Christ and the Christians.

   Thallus, a Gentile writer of A.D. 52, mentions Christ. However, his
   writings have disappeared and we only know of them from fragments
   cited by other writers.

   A letter from a prisoner named Mara Bar-Serapion to his son Serapion,
   dated about A.D. 75, is preserved in the British Museum. In the letter
   Mara mentions the deaths of Socrates, Pythagoras, and Christ:

   "What advantage did the Athenians gain from putting Socrates to death?
   Famine and plague came upon them as a judgement for their crime. What
   advantage did the men of Samos gain from burning Pythagoras? In a
   moment their land was covered with sand. What advantage did the Jews
   gain from executing their wise King? It was just after that that their
   kingdom was abolished. God justly avenged these three wise men: the
   Athenians died of hunger; the Samians were overwhelmed by the sea; the
   Jews, ruined and driven from their land, live in complete dispersion.
   But Socrates did not die for good; he lived on in the teaching of Plato.
   Pythagoras did not die for good; he lived on in the statue of Hera. Nor
   did the wise King die for good; He lived on in the teaching which He
   had given."

   The Encyclopedia Britanica, concerning the testimony of the many
   independant secular accounts of Jesus of Nazareth, records the
   following:  "These independant accounts prove that in ancient times
   even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity
   of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time and on inadequate
   grounds by several authors at the end of the 18th, during the 19th,
   and at the beginning of the 20th century."  Enc. Brit. 15th Ed. 1974.

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Arthur Pewtey) (06/01/85)

Dan Boskovich offers what he calls "objective evidences" of Christianity.  Are
they what he claims?  Of course not.  They are as presumptive as any proofs
that came before it:  if you already believe there to be a god of the form you
would like, if you already accept the Bible as the word of god, it all makes
sense.  If not, if you choose to think first and shirk a few assumptions, well,
let's see.

> 		    Reliability of The New Testament

Like McDowell and Lewis before him, Boskovich claims that because the Bible
exists as a long standing, "reliable" document, it thus (??) must be the word
of god.  This only "follows logically" if you already believe it.  And, of
course, you must already believe in the existence of god to believe that the
Bible is his word.  Where do you get evidence of that?  In the Bible, of course!

The following three go into more detail about the remaining parts of Dan's
tetralogy.  I would hope that Dan would want to include these comments in
his pamphlet as a rebuttal so as to really give a semblance of objectiveness
to the work.  I doubt though that it is really his intention to be objective,
only to prove his conclusion at any cost.  This is apparent from the nature
of his evidence, as documented in the next three articles.
Anything's possible, but only a few things actually happen.
					Rich Rosen    pyuxd!rlr

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Arthur Pewtey) (06/01/85)

> 		      The Uniqueness of The Bible

Though many major religions and belief systems throughout the world have their
own sets of "holy" documents, Boskovich claims the Bible to be unique.  A good
look at each and every other document shows them all to be "just as" unique
as the Bible.  Each holding a different perspective, each offering different
wisdom in a different way based on the culture that developed it.  To say that
the Bible is unique is to say nothing with regard to its supposed veracity.
Boskovich states AS EVIDENCE supporting the Bible's veracity that it was
written as no other book in history:  by different people, at different times,
in different places, in different languages!  Impressive, but hardly evidence.

>   Its subject matter includes hundreds of controversial subjects which
>   would normally create oppossing opinions when discussed, yet biblical
>   writers spoke on these issues with harmony and continuity.

To this day, it still creates opposing opinions when discussed.  Normally.
Of course, if those who follow the early authors accept their notions when
writing later portions, continuity will seem to appear.  Maybe they left
out the non-continuous, non-agreeing portions that others wrote?  Maybe
they only included what fit?  As those who would seek to prove the book's
deific origin do?

>   Such a work, encompassing the lives of generations of individuals,
>   can only be accounted for by a common author, the Spirit of God.

It can "only" be accounted for in this manner if you already assume it to be

>   Teaches contrary to human thought.
>   Records the sins and failures of its own characters and own country.
>   Even the greatest of the Heroes are shown at their worst. King David
>   commits adultry, Moses loses his temper and disobeys God, Elijah
>   falls into self-pity, Jonah disobeys God out of prejudice, Peter
>   denies Christ, Paul condemns himself for persecuting the church,
>   Jacob deceives his brother out of his birth right.

Greek mythology doesn't show similar things?  Why, in fact, they even show
GODS behaving in those ways!  Does this mean that (thus?) Greek mythology
bears the real truth?  Of course not.

>   The great prophets of Isreal and the Apostles accuse their country
>   of disobedience, wickedness, and apostasy.

Ironic how the "Christians" of today despise those who point out the same
things in their own society and (so-called) morality.

>   Who would paint such a picture of man as we find in scripture. Man's
>   tendency is to either exalt himself above what he is or reduce himself
>   below his true nature.

As seen, in fact, in the Bible, which clearly does both at the same time!
"Man (sic) was made in the image of god, the flower of his (sic) creation,
destined to have dominion over the earth."  If that's not overexalting, what
is?  The very basis of this sort of religious thinking is to impose upon
oneself a feeling of self-importance:  in a natural world of natural events,
it's nice to think that a god is controlling things and watching over YOU. 
Ironically, at the same time, the image of a vengeful god telling humans what
to do and punishing those who "disobey" is prevalent.  Such an image is
clearly a self-imposed one involving a negative self-worth regarding one's
species:  man is evil, he must be controlled and told what to do by an
external judgin entity.  Who would paint such a picture?  People with a very
cockeyed sense of what humanity and the universe are all about.

>   Man also has a tendency to avoid responsibility
>   for his own actions. This attribute of secular humanism, blaming our
>   environment, genes, and other people for our behaviour is nothing new.
>   It all began when God questioned Adam, "Did you eat of the fruit that
>   I told you not to eat?" Adam's irresponsible reply, "The WOMAN that YOU
>   GAVE ME gave me the fruit and I ate it!"

Aesop's fables also provide good stories with good morals, but I don't
see anyone today worshipping Greek gods because of it.  Furthermore, you're
right, it's nothing new.  But it's nothing wrong, either.  We ARE the products
of our physical makeup, our environment, our sum and total experiences in
life.  Those who talk of responsibility seem more interested in pinning blame
on others than actually taking responsibility themselves or encouraging it
in others.  More buzzwords with negative connotations like the dreaded
"secular humanism".  When you can actually point out something logically and
ethically wrong with secular humanism beyond the fact that you don't like its
point of view, let us all know.

>   The writer's of scripture could only have portrayed such an accurate
>   picture of man, writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

ONLY, if you assume that in advance.  What about all the other great writers
throughout history and throughout the world.  Very culturally centrist of you.

>   The bible is unique in its teaching about salvation. All religions of
>   the world have one thing in common. They all portray salvation as
>   attainable through human effort. The natural desire of man to earn
>   merit is completely absent in the writers of scripture as they, one
>   by one, from Genesis to Revelation, illustrate the inadequecy of man
>   and the Gracious gift of God: Salvation!

So?  The Bible has a different "line".  Does that make it right?  Only if you
already believe in it.

>   The bible has survived various attacks and attempts to destroy it.

Because so many people cling to what they wish for and hope for regardless
of reason, evidence, and thinking, because they want it that way, and because
they've been conditioned to think in that way.

>   Some powerful men in history have tried to rid the world of the holy
>   Scriptures, as others have predicted its demise. The French humanist,
>   Voltaire, boastfully proclaimed, "Fifty years from now the world will
>   hear no more of the Bible."

That's what happens when you have too much faith in something.  Too much
faith, in this case, in the ability of reasoned people to educate masses of
people in reasoned thought and analysis.

>   The Bible, is the only religious book in which there has never been
>   found a legitimate error. The Koran, the Book of Mormon, and many other
>   "sacred" books contain gross errors and inconsistencies.

What's a legitimate error?  Any error uncovered (like the chronology of the
whole story of creation) is plastered over with new "interpretation" to make
it still fit, or (worse) the real world evidence is simply denied in favor of
the original text.  In such an atmosphere, how could you ever find an error?
"Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time!"
				Rich Rosen  ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr

padraig@utastro.UUCP (Padraig Houlahan) (06/02/85)

> 		    Reliability of The New Testament
>  It is true that Christianity views the bible as God's revealed word
>  to mankind. Those who oppose this view object that the biblical
>  account can not be deemed reliable. It is argued that the accounts
>  would become distorted during their textual transmission.
>  However, it can be shown that the New Testament documents are the most
>  reliable of all historical documents; and to reject the New Testament
>  records without rejecting all other historical documents and regarding
>  them unreliable, would be to act in utter bias and absurdity.

This is incorrect. You are confusing historical accuracy with consistency
of the historical record. An example of this would be an historian
of the future finding a nazi propaganda movie intact in a vault say,
and deducing the role nazis played, in that era's history, from it.

I note with interest that you refer to The Histories by Herodetus in your
article. You should read it to gain some insight into what was understood
as "history" back then, and compare it to what we now understand by it.
Herodetus was known as the "father of lies".

Padraig Houlahan.

padraig@utastro.UUCP (Padraig Houlahan) (06/02/85)

> 		  Evidence For The Historical Jesus

This seems to be a mute point since very few people question whether he
existed, only whether he was in fact "the son of god". 

Padraig Houlahan.

padraig@utastro.UUCP (Padraig Houlahan) (06/02/85)

> 			   The Resurrection
>  Presupposing the reliability of scripture, it has been suggested that the
>  gospel writers may have been mistaken concerning the Resurrection, or
>  even purposely perpetrated such a hoax. In discussing the possibility
>  of such theories, several questions remain unanswered.

Dan unfortunately is only more than willing to provide answers for us however.

>  Where did his body go?
>  ... Did the soldiers fall asleep while guarding the tomb?
>  To do so would have meant death for these highly trained soldiers.
>  The Roman soldiers were under the very strictest of discipline and
>  training.
>  ... The soldiers were not able to explain the empty tomb. They were told what
>  to say and bribed by the Sanhedrin.

I suppose bribery was consistent with their "very strictest" discipline
and training. Gimme a break. 

>  Was Jesus really dead? Jesus was beaten with a cat-of-nine-tails, slapped
>  in the head and face repeatedly, punctured in several places with a
>  crown of thorns (these thorns were about 3 inches long), spit upon,
>  made to carry his own heavy cross to calvary, and nailed to the cross.
>  How much can a man take? To survive all of that would be a MIRACLE!
>  T. J. Thorburn -"The victims of crucifixion seldom recovered, even under
>  the most favorable circumstances."

"Seldom" is not quite the same as "never". You have just destroyed your
own case here.

>  Evidences in favor of the Resurrection:
>  Jesus appeared to over 500 people after His Resurrection.

This could be taken as evidence that he never died.

>  The enemies of Christ gave no refutation of the Resurrection! Why? They
>  had no alternative conclusion!

Go and take another look at Thorburn's statement that you have provided for
us above. This would indicate that crucifixion on rare occasions was
not fatal, in which case it would go unchallanged.

>  ... Paul was a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin,
>  and a student of the great Jewish Rabbi, Gamaliel. Why would Paul suddenly
>  on one of his roundups, give up all of his prestige and position, to
>  serve a being of which he had been persecuting the followers of, knowing
>  that he too would soon be persecuted.

Maybe he guilt tripped? It has been known to happen.

>  Phenomenal growth even through persecution. The church grew by the millions
>  in the first century. The more they were put to death for their faith,
>  the more they attracted others who marvelled at their behaviour.

So what? What has any of this got to do with the validity of the resurrection?
The drug culture here thrives in spite of persecution. 

>  God has provided us with a great supply of objective evidence.

Perhaps you would care to provide Rich Rosen with some. I would also be
interested in seeing some.

Padraig Houlahan.

Give 'em enough rope and they'll hang themselves.

michael@spar.UUCP (Not Bill Joy) (06/03/85)

from Dan Boskovich:
>  Hello out there in netland. I am putting together a pamphlet on
>  "Objective Evidences For The Christian Faith" and I thought I
>  would try them out on you net.religioners for size. The articles
>  contain excerpts from various authors put together as concise as
>  possible. Please feel free to comment, criticize, or flame away.

>Subject: Re: Evidences for Religion

    This series is poorly titled. Since it is actually  an attempt to defend
    one very narrow brand of Christianity, it should actually have been

	    "Arguments for Christian Fundamentalism"

    Or would you claim that there is no other valid Religion or interpretation
    of the Bible than your own? 

> It is true that Christianity views the bible as God's revealed word
> to mankind. Those who oppose this view object that the biblical
> account can not be deemed reliable.

    Given that Fundamentalists usually interpret:

	    "God's revealed word"

    ..to mean:

	     "literally and absolutely true"

    ... I feel that the introduction `It is true that Christians...' and
    `Those who oppose' to be pretentious in the extreme. Whether you like it
    or not, many Christians have no problem reconciling the discoveries of
    science with their religious beliefs. One can only infer from your
    article that YOU do not consider such people to be Christians.

>  The bible is accurate in history, science, and most importantly, in
>  human nature. 

    In your series, you have pigheadedly discredited or ignored all other
    faiths besides your blind mutation of Christianity; now you claim
    dominion in the realm of science.

    Religion perverts itself when it becomes the vehicle for the spreading
    of falsehoods.


mrh@cybvax0.UUCP (Mike Huybensz) (06/03/85)

In article <325@scgvaxd.UUCP> dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boscovitch) writes:
> 		    Reliability of The New Testament
>  It is true that Christianity views the bible as God's revealed word
>  to mankind. Those who oppose this view object that the biblical
>  account can not be deemed reliable. It is argued that the accounts
>  would become distorted during their textual transmission.

Your last sentence is a straw man.  All the skeptics I know feel that
the unreliability of the NT predates its writing.  I, personally, place
the fraud in the lap of JC and/or his apostles.

>  No other document of antiquity even begins to approach such numbers
>  and attestation. In comparison, the "Iliad", by Homer, is second with
>  only 643 manuscripts that still survive.

Funny you should pick a largely fictional work to compare the bible to.
Perhaps fictional works survive better?
>  In all of these thousands of manuscripts, there is a discrepency rate
>  of less than 1 per cent while there is five per cent textual corruption
>  in the Iliad. 40 lines of the New Testament in question as compared to
>  764 lines in the Iliad.

Greater care has been taken to ensure accurate transmission of the New
Testament than for the Illiad.  A copiest may try to improve epic
poetry, but had better not dare with sacred texts.  So?

>  The New Testament has been transmitted to us with no or next to no
>  variation; and even the most corrupt form in which it has appeared,
>  the real text of the sacred writers is competently exact.

So?  How does this constitute evidence for religion?

Mike Huybensz		...decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!cybvax0!mrh

mrh@cybvax0.UUCP (Mike Huybensz) (06/03/85)

In article <326@scgvaxd.UUCP> dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boscovitch) writes:
> 		      The Uniqueness of The Bible
>   Unique in its continuity:
>   Written over a 1500 year span; 40 generations.

Assuming you believe it literally, perhaps it was written over that long a
period.  But continuous?  Hardly.  Most of those generations made no
contribution other than mentions by some later generation in a "begat".
There's a blatant geneological and generational gap between the OT and JC.

>   Written by over 40 authors from every walk of life (Kings, peasants, poets,
>   fisherman, herdsman, doctor, tax collector etc.)

That's a subject of extensive debate.  There is a well known 5 author
hypothesis for the origin of the OT.

>   Written on three continents; Asia, Africa, Europe.

Written where the three continents meet.  This is the stupidest claim I've
seen yet, unless you want to make that 4 continents and add in the Book of

>   Its subject matter includes hundreds of controversial subjects which
>   would normally create oppossing opinions when discussed, yet biblical
>   writers spoke on these issues with harmony and continuity.

With ~3000 years to make up explanations to try to make the whole thing
harmonious, it's not surprising you claim that.  However, the truth
(appaent to anyone who looks at Christianity) is that since Christians
can't agree what the writers meant, and are disharmonious, there's
no reason to assume the writers all meant harmonious things.

>   The message is one great drama in which all parts fit together!
>   Such a work, encompassing the lives of generations of individuals,
>   can only be accounted for by a common author, the Spirit of God.

Why?  There's a tremendous non-sequiteur here.

>   Historical accounts found to be tremendously accurate. Confirmed by
>   other historians, by archealogy, by geography.

Right.  We've found the Garden of Eden, complete with flaming sword, huh?

Accurate geography and day-to-day living is all you can really claim for
the bible's accuracy, because that's all archaeologists and geologists
can find out.  In that respect, the bible ranks right up there with
other famous works of fiction like "Gone with the Wind", which also was
historically and geographically correct.  But this gives us no reason to
believe in the religion of the bible, since a secular work of fiction
could do as well.

>   Records the sins and failures of its own characters and own country.
>   Even the greatest of the Heroes are shown at their worst. King David
>   commits adultry, Moses loses his temper and disobeys God, Elijah
>   falls into self-pity, Jonah disobeys God out of prejudice, Peter
>   denies Christ, Paul condemns himself for persecuting the church,
>   Jacob deceives his brother out of his birth right.
>   The great prophets of Isreal and the Apostles accuse their country
>   of disobedience, wickedness, and apostasy.

You need to read the Bhagavad Gita.  This is not unique.

>   The writer's of scripture could only have portrayed such an accurate
>   picture of man, writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

I guess you must be ignorant of literature.  Or maybe you just don't
dwell on it long enough to convince yourself of its accuracy and
inspiration by the Holy spirit.

>   The bible has survived various attacks and attempts to destroy it.
>   Some powerful men in history have tried to rid the world of the holy
>   Scriptures, as others have predicted its demise. The French humanist,
>   Voltaire, boastfully proclaimed, "Fifty years from now the world will
>   hear no more of the Bible." In that year, the British Museum purchased
>   one manuscript of the Greek New Testament from the Russian government
>   for $500,000 while a copy of his own book was selling for eight cents
>   a copy! Fifty years after his death, bibles were being printed by the
>   Geneva Bible Society in the very house where Voltaire had lived and
>   on his presses!

Every culture in the world attributes its worldly successes to its gods.
Big deal.  I'm sure this is as significant as the taking of Jerusulem
by the Moslems X number of times.

>   The Bible, is the only religious book in which there has never been
>   found a legitimate error. The Koran, the Book of Mormon, and many other
>   "sacred" books contain gross errors and inconsistencies.

Sez you.  Only someone with his head stuck in the sand can not be aware
of the counter arguments.  And only someone with his mind made up could
accept this position.

>   The bible is accurate in history, science...

The bible's scientific accuracy is a well-known subject of ridicule.
Usually circumvented by claims of symbolism.

>   A book as unique as the bible could only be supernatural in origin!

I have a piece of plastic in my hands.  Given 3000 years of analysis, I
could find umpty ump zillion ways this lump was unique.  Does that make it
supernatural in origin?  Alternatively, I have the oldest known story.
Does that make it supernatural in origin?

Mike Huybensz		...decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!cybvax0!mrh

mrh@cybvax0.UUCP (Mike Huybensz) (06/03/85)

In article <327@scgvaxd.UUCP> dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovitch) writes:
> 		  Evidence For The Historical Jesus

How does the fact that JC existed have any bearing on believing the
stories about supernatural beings and miracles and the like?

Mohammed existed too.  So what?

Mike Huybensz		...decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!cybvax0!mrh

mrh@cybvax0.UUCP (Mike Huybensz) (06/03/85)

In article <328@scgvaxd.UUCP> dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Boskovich) writes:
> 			   The Resurrection
>  Where did his body go?

Unimportant, unless you believe the story of the resurrection.  Perhaps
the body was disposed of casually: the tomb could be a story.

>  Did the disciples steal it?  Shortly before the crucifixion, the disciples
>  fled away like scared rabbits. Peter denied even knowing Jesus for
>  fear of his life. What is the probability that these 12 frightened sheep,
>  ruined and dejected at the loss of their shephard, would go to the tomb of
>  Jesus, face the Roman guards and all their weapons, move the stone and take
>  the body.

Why would Romans guard the tomb of a heretic they had executed?  Why would
someone be foolish enough to claim the body, identifying themseleves as

>  Evidences in favor of the Resurrection:
>  Jesus appeared to over 500 people after His Resurrection.

That's the STORY: this is nowhere supported outside of the bible.  You
already have to beleive the bible to accept this as evidence.  That's
called circular logic.

>  The enemies of Christ gave no refutation of the Resurrection! Why? They
>  had no alternative conclusion!

No refutation has survived to today.  Why?  It might not have seemed
important at the time, being an outrageous tale, and in any event how
could it be refuted?  Even if the actual body was produced, you couldn't
convince anyone it was JC, rather than any other corpse.  And you'd have
to truck it all over the countryside, where ever the apostles went telling
their lies.  The best refutation then and now is that it just defies
common sense.  The alternative conclusion is that the ressurection story
is a silly lie.

>  The transformed lives of the Apostles! After being frightened away
>  and left in a state of depression and self-pity, suddenly the Apostles
>  become brave, courageous, outspoken, empowered witnesses for Christ.
>  Facing prison, persecution, and death, the Apostles continued to
>  evangelize and proclaim the Gospel.

No transformation involved.  Jesus specifically had to dissuade the apostles
from fighting for him prior to being lead away, if you believe the bible.

As for the risk, it was no greater than that taken by many people then and
now, in many faiths, political persuasions, armies, and crimes.  It was a

>  The transformed lives of the last 1900 years.

In every faith you can name.

>  The courage of the Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Huss, etc.

Joseph Smith, Mohammed, Ba'Ha Ulla, and the reformers in other faiths.

>  Not only was the Resurrection predicted by Christ over and over again,
>  but it was predicted in the Old Testament over 1000 years before it
>  happened. Psalm 22 vividly describes the Lord being crucified and
>  the purpose for it.

Another dubious claim.  Even if it were predicted, the apostles could have
claimed it happened without its having happened.  "Oh, Jesus appeared
to over 500 people in the last town!"  A shill in the audience: "I saw it!"

>  The choices are few: He was either a Liar, a Lunatic, or The Lord!

I'm not going to bother to refute the liar/lunatic/god false dilemma in
depth.  It has been refuted here many times before.  Suffice it to say
that even wise and good people can lie fluently.

I hope, Dan, that you will favor us with your revised versions that take
all our criticisms into account.  But I suspect you will ignore us and
repeat these fallacious arguments anyhow, hoping to prey upon the

Mike Huybensz		...decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!cybvax0!mrh

savage@ssc-vax.UUCP (Lowell Savage) (06/05/85)

> >  Where did his body go?
> > 
> >  ... Did the soldiers fall asleep while guarding the tomb?
> > 
> >  To do so would have meant death for these highly trained soldiers.
> >  The Roman soldiers were under the very strictest of discipline and
> >  training.
> > 
> >  ... The soldiers were not able to explain the empty tomb. They were told what
> >  to say and bribed by the Sanhedrin.
> I suppose bribery was consistent with their "very strictest" discipline
> and training. Gimme a break. 

GimME a break.  It's one thing to train a soldier to do what you tell him
to without question (stand guard without falling asleep), and it's another
thing to make him be "moral" (not accept bribes).  If you were to take a
U.S. Army platoon and have them guard something over-night, you are going
to be very surprised if they all fell asleep.  (I would be surprised if any
of them fall asleep during the first week of guard duty except when ordered
"off duty" by their immediate C.O.--after that, provided that nothing ever
happens to make them feel necessary, some of them might get lazy, but not
all of them, and not all at once.)  However, I doubt that you would be sur-
prised if they wouldn't be perfectly willing to lie if the object they were
guarding were to disappear mysteriously (putting them in jeapardy of Court
Martial) and if there were a little cash to grease the process.  They didn't
pay the grunts enough money at that time, any more than they do now.  Yes
even the elite Praetorian Guard could have been in that situation and reacted
in the same way.

> >  Was Jesus really dead? Jesus was beaten with a cat-of-nine-tails, slapped
> >  in the head and face repeatedly, punctured in several places with a
> >  crown of thorns (these thorns were about 3 inches long), spit upon,
> >  made to carry his own heavy cross to calvary, and nailed to the cross.
> >  How much can a man take? To survive all of that would be a MIRACLE!
> > 
> >  T. J. Thorburn -"The victims of crucifixion seldom recovered, even under
> >  the most favorable circumstances."
> "Seldom" is not quite the same as "never". You have just destroyed your
> own case here.

He forgot three pieces of evidence without which the above objection would
be valid.

1) Somebody rammed a spear into his side.  We aren't talking your dainty
little lance that looks like an olympic javelin here.  We're talking about
a broad-headed spear that's going to cut a good two-three inch wide swath
at the very least.  The idea was to make sure the criminal was dead, so it
probably was directed up from the abdominal cavity into the chest cavity.
Then it was reported that blood and water came out.  I have heard a coronor's
explanation of this but I can't remember it.  But basically, the only way
that you would get water out of a body like that would be if the person had
already died.

2) The Romans weren't stupid.  They knew when someone was dead.  It is still
POSSIBLE that Jesus was alive when he was taken down, but extremely unlikely.
Even then, (I know that this is just an extension of the quoted argument, but it
is an extension that you didn't answer) given the fact that Jesus looked bad
enough to the guards to allow his followers to take him away, it is extremely
unlikely that he could have recovered.

3) His body was embalmed.  That means that his blood was drained.  If you can
survive having a large portion of your blood drained from your body, without
any replacement, perhaps we should begin wondering whether you are more than
just a man.  (But then that is a pretty big 'if'.)

> >  ... Paul was a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin,
> >  and a student of the great Jewish Rabbi, Gamaliel. Why would Paul suddenly
> >  on one of his roundups, give up all of his prestige and position, to
> >  serve a being of which he had been persecuting the followers of, knowing
> >  that he too would soon be persecuted.
> Maybe he guilt tripped? It has been known to happen.
Guilt tripped about something that he believed was right?  How many religious
fanatics (which is what Paul was) "guilt trip"????

> >  Phenomenal growth even through persecution. The church grew by the millions
> >  in the first century. The more they were put to death for their faith,
> >  the more they attracted others who marvelled at their behaviour.
> So what? What has any of this got to do with the validity of the resurrection?
> The drug culture here thrives in spite of persecution. 
With a very physically and psychologically addictive substance at the heart
of the issue.  Christianity might be "addictive", but then, perhaps that is
just more evidence that there is some substance to it.

					There's more than one way to be savage

					Lowell Savage

dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovich) (06/07/85)

		      What Is Objective Evidence

  There is a fine line separating "objective" and "subjective" reasoning.
  Webster defines "objective" as "that which is verifiable by observation"
  and "perceptible to persons other than an affected individual", and
  finally, "expressing the nature of reality as it is apart from personal
  reflections or feelings".

  Well, that solves the problem, doesn't it? In order for Christianity to
  prove as true, its claims should be provable by evidence that is
  perceptible to persons unaffected by it. But, this is not as easy as it
  appears. Who is not affected by Christianity? Only those who have never
  heard of it. But not having heard of it, it would not be perceptible to
  them. But you say, Christianity does not affect sceptics. But, to reject
  a belief is to be affected by it. To reject Christianity, one must first
  understand its claims, then reject them in favor of an alternate view.
  You have just been affected by Christianity. It's existence was instrumental
  in the formation of your belief system.

  Lets suppose that you are unaffected by Christianity and can remain neutral
  or "objective". What possible "objective" evidences are there that could
  lead you to believe in it? Its teachings include: God created the universe
  and life, Man a free and moral agent rebelled against his creator which
  subsequently resulted in separation from God and moral depravity, God then
  justified and redeemed His creation through the Incarnation, Salvation
  is now offered as a gift, through faith.

  Are any of these acts on the part of God verifiable through observation?
  The answer would seem to be NO! Since none of us were there to witness
  any of it. However, what if we had been there to see it? Is this purely
  objective evidence? Might we not have been mistaken? Isn't the hand
  quicker than the eye? Could it have been an illusion or a dream? Have we
  not been affected by what we saw? If we take it to far, "objective evidence"
  seems to be non-existant.

  So what can we consider "objective" as opposed to "subjective"? There has
  to some criteria for a reasonable person to follow in discerning what can
  be considered objective evidence!

  How do we know Abe Lincoln existed? How do we know Hitler existed? If
  we weren't there to see them, (even if you were, you still can't be sure
  what you saw was what you saw) why believe they ever existed?

  As a rational and reasonable person (obviously these terms are relative),
  one must enter into the situation with presuppositions. The first
  presupposition is that you exist. (Objectively unprovable) The next
  presupposition is that others exist. At this point we might say that
  a reasonable person could base (relative) truth on two things. What he
  has observed, and what others have observed and agreed upon. This is one
  way that truth can be ascertained in a court of Law.

  In other words, if several persons that had reputations for being trust-
  worthy, all agreed upon the same set of events of which they were all
  eyewitnesses, it would not be unreasonable to except their testimony
  as true.

  How do I know that Lincoln and Hitler existed? How do I know that Lincoln
  was an admired President and Hitler was a murdering scoundrel? By the
  testimony of individuals who observed and recorded their observations.
  Still, these observations are based on subjective perceptions.

  I am faced with a choice! I can either toss out all evidences as being
  "subjective" in nature, or I can follow the reasonable path described
  above and accept historical testimony as "objective evidence".

  If we can accept historical testimony as reasonable and objective
  evidence, then we can observe some of the Christian teachings listed
  earlier. For example, we can observe the change in Peter, with and
  without the power promised that would come through the Holy Spirit.
  We can observe the changed lives down through history from Paul to Luther
  to Colson. We can reasonably believe that Christ was raised from the dead
  since several honest, reputable, eyewitnesses have recorded their
  observations of the incident. (Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, etc.)

  Incidently, there have been no eyewitnesses to attest to the assumption
  that Christ was not raised from the dead. No corpse produced either.


dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovich) (06/07/85)

In article <1019@pyuxd.UUCP> rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Arthur Pewtey) writes:
>> 		      The Uniqueness of The Bible
>>   Who would paint such a picture of man as we find in scripture. Man's
>>   tendency is to either exalt himself above what he is or reduce himself
>>   below his true nature.
>As seen, in fact, in the Bible, which clearly does both at the same time!
>"Man (sic) was made in the image of god, the flower of his (sic) creation,
>destined to have dominion over the earth."  If that's not overexalting, what
>is?  The very basis of this sort of religious thinking is to impose upon
>oneself a feeling of self-importance:  in a natural world of natural events,
>it's nice to think that a god is controlling things and watching over YOU. 
>Ironically, at the same time, the image of a vengeful god telling humans what
>to do and punishing those who "disobey" is prevalent.  Such an image is
>clearly a self-imposed one involving a negative self-worth regarding one's
>species:  man is evil, he must be controlled and told what to do by an
>external judgin entity.  Who would paint such a picture?  People with a very
>cockeyed sense of what humanity and the universe are all about.
>				Rich Rosen  ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr

			     Man: A Paradox

  Allow me to clarify the biblical position of the nature of man. Man is
  a paradox, on one hand noble, on the other hand depraved.

  This paradox has led to two contrasting but erroneous views of man.

  The lower view of man presents him as being nothing more than material
  substance and chemical processes. This is demonstrated through modern
  psychology's "behaviorism", which regards man as another animal.

  The higher view holds that man has a divine spark which needs only to
  be fanned into a flame of goodness, enabling him to master his own
  nature and effect his own salvation. This view is popular among the
  Eastern religions but not exclusively.

  The Christian view takes both into consideration. Lost in the vastness
  of the universe, man is nothing, but, as the object of God's care
  and concern, man is everything.

  This paradox is evident throughout man's history. Man builds up cities,
  bombs them to bits, then proceeds to rebuild them out of the rubble.
  Man makes undreamed-of scientific advances, then makes a science out of
  destroying life.

  The Biblical view is perfectly consistent with what we observe of man's
  behavior. Created in the image of God, man is creative, intelligent,
  noble, and has a sense of morality. As a fallen creature, man ignores
  his sense of morality, uses his creativity and intelligence to exploit
  himself and nature, and misdirects his nobility resulting in pride,
  prejudice, and power struggle. When Galileo showed his telescope to the
  senators of Florence, Italy, their immediate reaction was, "That glass
  will be a great advantage to us in time of war!" In this respect man
  has not changed much. A British periodical published this little verse
  of the Hydrogen Bomb:

  "A pretty toy?" The Devil shook his head.
  "I still prefer the human heart!", he said.

  Here's a little test to see if man is inherently good or evil. Raise up
  a child, give him no instruction as he grows, and observe his behavior.
  You will see that no one ever had to teach a child to misbehave!

  Through Christ, man's governing disposition can be changed. The raging
  tiger in man's heart can be overcome by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
  who came to earth as the Lamb of God. He can conquer and control man's
  fallen nature.

  Psalm 8:4-5 "What is man that you are mindful of him... For you have
  made him a little lower than the angels and have crowned him with
  glory and honor."


padraig@utastro.UUCP (06/09/85)

> 			     Man: A Paradox
>   Allow me to clarify the biblical position of the nature of man. Man is
>   a paradox, on one hand noble, on the other hand depraved.

I thought God was supposed to have made man in his own image?

Padraig Houlahan.

tim@cmu-cs-k.ARPA (06/09/85)

Dan Boskovich writes:

>  The lower view of man presents him as being nothing more than material
>  substance and chemical processes. This is demonstrated through modern
>  psychology's "behaviorism", which regards man as another animal.

Dan, you have really got to stop talking about things you know nothing
about.  If you were studying behaviorism and stated anything of that sort on
one of the exams, I could guarantee you a failing grade.  A paper of that
sort submitted to a journal of behaviorism would not get past initial
review.  The whole point of behaviorism is to avoid that kind of
metaphysical speculation and concentrate only on what can be proved by the
scientific method.  It is not materialistic, it is not degrading to
humanity: it is merely a laboratory discipline used to guarantee
verifiability of results.  It provides no "final answers".

Any discussion of "material substance and chemical processes" is anathema to
behaviorism.  The subject matter is behavior.  The question of what internal
processes cause behavior is explicitly not addressed, because no scientific
method of establishing them yet exists.  All behaviorist rules are of the
sort "the presentation/removal of stimulus A has been followed in lab trials
by an increase/decrease in the frequency of emission of operant B".  You
will find nary a word about anything except stimuli and operants, and
super-structures such as schedules of reinforcement that are built on these.

Skinner did publish "Verbal Behavior", in which he claimed to reduce all
human behavior to operant processes.  But his conclusions were met with
immediate skepticism even within the behaviorist community, since such
claims are unprovable and have been made many times before.  Before Skinner,
the Watsonians claimed that all behavior could be reduced to their models,
and before them it was the Pavlovians.  You will not find many behaviorists
these days who would come out in public as being absolute adherents of
Skinner's models in "Verbal Behavior".

Your easy willingness to speak from a position of ignorance provides yet
more evidence (as if any were needed) that you are indulging in post facto
reasoning, intended not to find the answer to questions but to establish
fixed conclusions that have already been reached on non-rational grounds.
You can no more reason correctly in this fashion than you can bicycle in
reverse from Maine to Wisconsin, or run a C program from the "exit(0)" to
the "main(argc,argv)".  Unfortunately, it is rather easier to delude
yourself in the intellectual arena than on the roads or peering at a CRT.
Tim Maroney, Carnegie-Mellon University, Networking
ARPA:	Tim.Maroney@CMU-CS-K	uucp:	seismo!cmu-cs-k!tim
CompuServe:	74176,1360	audio:	shout "Hey, Tim!"

padraig@utastro.UUCP (06/09/85)

>> Me
>  Lowell Savage

Regarding the soldiers at the tomb:

>> I suppose bribery was consistent with their "very strictest" discipline
>> and training. Gimme a break. 

>GimME a break.  It's one thing to train a soldier to do what you tell him
>to without question (stand guard without falling asleep), and it's another
>thing to make him be "moral" (not accept bribes)....

This is just begging the question. If the soldiers could be bribed after
the death, as is claimed, then they could have been bribed at an earlier
time, and told what to say. I was not implying that their morality was
as strict as their discipline, whereas Dan was.

On the subject of whether Jesus was dead when removed from the cross the 
following "evidence" is referred to:

>1) Somebody rammed a spear into his side. ...
>2) The Romans weren't stupid.  They knew when someone was dead.  It is still
>POSSIBLE that Jesus was alive when he was taken down, but extremely unlikely.
>Even then,(I know that this is just an extension of the quoted argument, but it
>is an extension that you didn't answer) given the fact that Jesus looked bad
>enough to the guards to allow his followers to take him away, it is extremely
>unlikely that he could have recovered.
>3) His body was embalmed. ... 

I don't know why you make the second point. I think that it is plausible that
he never died. The dying later bit is conjecture. Basically we are faced with
either accepting a miraculous event, or the possibility that the story
got exaggerated. How great an exaggeration is the above compared with the
claims (widely accepted at the time) that the russian army passed through
Britain one night, during the last world war, while on the way to the front? 
How unreasonable is it to postulate that ardent admirers added a few
extra details to help convince people of Jesus' divine nature? The motivation
certainly existed to introduce some god-like attributes.
You attempt to rationalize us into accepting the irrational,
while rejecting a rational explanation that undermines a cherished belief.

[about Paul being converted:]
>> Maybe he guilt tripped? It has been known to happen.
>Guilt tripped about something that he believed was right?  How many religious
>fanatics (which is what Paul was) "guilt trip"????

Who said that he guilt tripped "about something he believed was right"?

To feel guilty is to feel that one is to blame for something. If we are not
guilty, or to blame for something, then why do we hear so much about the need
for us to be forgiven, and be "saved"? One can't be forgiven if there is
nothing to forgive. On this basis, it follows that guilt, and Christianity
go hand in hand. I think that it was St. Agustine who wrote about how
he repented for years on having stole some fruit from a tree when he was a
child. It was his works that influenced Catholic teaching, and still do,
to this date.

>>So what? What has any of this got to do with the validity of the resurrection?
>> The drug culture here thrives in spite of persecution. 
>With a very physically and psychologically addictive substance at the heart
>of the issue.  Christianity might be "addictive", but then, perhaps that is
>just more evidence that there is some substance to it.
>					Lowell Savage

Agreed, at least to the extent that the Moonies and the Hare Krishna 
cults have substance because they are addictive.

Padraig Houlahan.

padraig@utastro.UUCP (Padraig Houlahan) (06/09/85)

> 		      What Is Objective Evidence
>   There is a fine line separating "objective" and "subjective" reasoning.
>   Webster defines "objective" as "that which is verifiable by observation"
>   and "perceptible to persons other than an affected individual", and
>   finally, "expressing the nature of reality as it is apart from personal
>   reflections or feelings".

>   Well, that solves the problem, doesn't it? In order for Christianity to
>   prove as true, its claims should be provable by evidence that is
>   perceptible to persons unaffected by it. But, this is not as easy as it
>   appears. Who is not affected by Christianity? Only those who have never
>   heard of it. But not having heard of it, it would not be perceptible to
>   them. But you say, Christianity does not affect sceptics. But, to reject
>   a belief is to be affected by it. To reject Christianity, one must first
>   understand its claims, then reject them in favor of an alternate view.
>   You have just been affected by Christianity. It's existence was instrumental
>   in the formation of your belief system.

This is all mixed up as far as I can tell. You are confusing proof of
Christianity's truth, with proof of its existence. No one questions that
they have been "affected" by Christianity in the sense that they have
been exposed to it, but this is not the same as being exposed to evidence
that does not rely on another's subjective interpretation.

> ... So what can we consider "objective" as opposed to "subjective"? There has
> to some criteria for a reasonable person to follow in discerning what can
> be considered objective evidence!
>   ...How do I know that Lincoln and Hitler existed? How do I know that Lincoln
>   was an admired President and Hitler was a murdering scoundrel? By the
>   testimony of individuals who observed and recorded their observations.
>   Still, these observations are based on subjective perceptions.
>   I am faced with a choice! I can either toss out all evidences as being
>   "subjective" in nature, or I can follow the reasonable path described
>   above and accept historical testimony as "objective evidence".
Not quite. You are overlooking the fact that evidence comes
with many different degrees of reliability to be associated with it.
You do this assignment yourself when you decide in favour of christianity
instead of judaism or islam. In fact it is incorrect to decide first
whether evidence is objective or not, and then follow its implications
wherever they lead. Evidence must be interpreted in the light of
the claims that are to be made based upon it i.e. exotic claims
require evidence of extremely good quality. This is where the problem
with the bible arises; Biblical claims are pretty fantastic, while
the evidence to support has not been clearly demonstrated to be of a
sufficiently high quality.

>   If we can accept historical testimony as reasonable and objective
>   evidence, then we can observe some of the Christian teachings listed
>   earlier. ...

That is a very big "if". Assuming that it is true, you have yet to show
that the listed Christian teachings constitute historical testimony - and
I don't mean that they are old and part of history, but that their
contents are reliable, unbiased, and unexaggerated accounts of early

>   Incidently, there have been no eyewitnesses to attest to the assumption
>   that Christ was not raised from the dead. No corpse produced either.
> 					      Dan

The last point could be interpreted as indicating that he never died.
As long as you want to be reasonable you should consider that the
burden of proof rests with the claimant therefore the first point is

Padraig Houlahan.

root@trwatf.UUCP (06/10/85)

In article <340@scgvaxd.UUCP> dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (PUT YOUR NAME HERE) writes:
>			     Man: A Paradox
>  Allow me to clarify the biblical position of the nature of man. Man is
>  a paradox, on one hand noble, on the other hand depraved.

I wouldn't call this a paradox.  Man has it in him to do both good and evil.
That's not a paradox.  That's called reality.

>  This paradox has led to two contrasting but erroneous views of man....

>  This paradox is evident throughout man's history. Man builds up cities,
>  bombs them to bits, then proceeds to rebuild them out of the rubble.
>  Man makes undreamed-of scientific advances, then makes a science out of
>  destroying life.

Views?  Nope.  Observations.

>  The Biblical view is perfectly consistent with what we observe of man's
>  behavior. Created in the image of God, man is creative, intelligent,
>  noble, and has a sense of morality. As a fallen creature, man ignores
>  his sense of morality, uses his creativity and intelligence to exploit
>  himself and nature, and misdirects his nobility resulting in pride,
>  prejudice, and power struggle...
>  Here's a little test to see if man is inherently good or evil. Raise up
>  a child, give him no instruction as he grows, and observe his behavior.
>  You will see that no one ever had to teach a child to misbehave!

Which only tells us that the set of things considered to be "good" is smaller
and more restrictive than the set of things considered to be "wrong."  Is
man inherently evil?  Does evil overwhelm good without some higher guiding
hand (be it God, social order, what have you)?  Well that might make a good
experiment on some isolated and remote world.  Hmmmmmmm, a world called
"Earth" perhaps.

This also brings into question the definitions of "good" and "evil."
Are the terms "good" and "evil" simply labels placed on certain social
and personal behavior and modes of thought or what?  There's more
here than meets the eye.

>  Through Christ, man's governing disposition can be changed. The raging
>  tiger in man's heart can be overcome by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
>  who came to earth as the Lamb of God. He can conquer and control man's
>  fallen nature.

Ick... this is almost as bad as MY poetry.

Labeling things as "paradoxes" and "enigmas" and "mysteries" of the universe 
is really saying nothing.  Words like this simply gild the issue.

UUCP: ...{decvax,ihnp4,allegra}!seismo!trwatf!root	- Lord Frith
ARPA: trwatf!root@SEISMO

"Give a man a horse... and he thinks he's enormous"

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Arthur Pewtey) (06/12/85)

Could someone please send me a copy of the parent article to this one
<340@scgvaxd.UUCP> from Dan Boskovich.  It never arrived here at Piscataway,
and since it seems to be a followup to an article of mine, and since the
excerpts I've seen from it in responses to it are most intriguing, I'd like
a chance to respond to it.  (It was the one in which Dan mentioned behaviorism
as a negative view of humanity as "just another animal", among other things.

Thank you in advance.
Life is complex.  It has real and imaginary parts.
					Rich Rosen  ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr

jomibase@ihu1h.UUCP (opperman) (06/13/85)

> > 			     Man: A Paradox
> > 
> >   Allow me to clarify the biblical position of the nature of man. Man is
> >   a paradox, on one hand noble, on the other hand depraved.
> > 
> I thought God was supposed to have made man in his own image?
> Padraig Houlahan.

In his image, not a xerox copy.

C.J. Opperman
IH 2D315A x5014

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Arthur Pewtey) (06/19/85)

>>   Who would paint such a picture of man as we find in scripture. Man's
>>   tendency is to either exalt himself above what he is or reduce himself
>>   below his true nature. [BOSKOVICH]

>As seen, in fact, in the Bible, which clearly does both at the same time!
>"Man (sic) was made in the image of god, the flower of his (sic) creation,
>destined to have dominion over the earth."  If that's not overexalting, what
>is?  The very basis of this sort of religious thinking is to impose upon
>oneself a feeling of self-importance:  in a natural world of natural events,
>it's nice to think that a god is controlling things and watching over YOU. 
>Ironically, at the same time, the image of a vengeful god telling humans what
>to do and punishing those who "disobey" is prevalent.  Such an image is
>clearly a self-imposed one involving a negative self-worth regarding one's
>species:  man is evil, he must be controlled and told what to do by an
>external judgin entity.  Who would paint such a picture?  People with a very
>cockeyed sense of what humanity and the universe are all about. [ROSEN]

* 			     Man: A Paradox
*   Allow me to clarify the biblical position of the nature of man. Man is
*   a paradox, on one hand noble, on the other hand depraved.
*   This paradox has led to two contrasting but erroneous views of man.

Well, those words "noble" and "depraved" are sure laced with subjective
judgment there.  Who defines noble?  Depraved?  If you get right back to your
own bible (that which you're trying to prove), you haven't said anything.

*   The lower view of man presents him as being nothing more than material
*   substance and chemical processes. This is demonstrated through modern
*   psychology's "behaviorism", which regards man as another animal.
*   The higher view holds that man has a divine spark which needs only to
*   be fanned into a flame of goodness, enabling him to master his own
*   nature and effect his own salvation. This view is popular among the
*   Eastern religions but not exclusively.

Now hold on!  The "lower" view is only "lower" when held up in comparison to
that "higher" view.  And what is that higher view?  Why, it's called
"anthropocentrism", that old standby of those who proclaim humanity as the
center of the universe, because they'd like to think of them (i.e., themselves)
that way.  (Motivations for that I'll leave to the psychological minded among
us.)  In other words, wishful thinking.  The so-called lower view is only
"low" with respect to this wishful thinking "higher" view.  "Nothing more than"
what makes up the rest of the universe.  This "higher" view is held by people
for whom that view is "not enough" for their tastes.  Is there any reason to
hold such a view other than anthropocentrism?  Is there any evidence to support

*   The Christian view takes both into consideration. Lost in the vastness
*   of the universe, man is nothing, but, as the object of God's care
*   and concern, man is everything.

Another example of the wishful thinking school of justification.  Lost in the
vastness of the universe, humans might see themselves as "nothing" (depending
on their perspective---with respect to our immediate surroundings, none of us
is nothing, but in the universe as a whole we are less significant, yet somehow
still having an effect on our surroundings).  Does that mean that because
someone feels that way, there MUST be a deity who, through its "care and
concern" makes that person feel like "everything"?

*   This paradox is evident throughout man's history. Man builds up cities,
*   bombs them to bits, then proceeds to rebuild them out of the rubble.
*   Man makes undreamed-of scientific advances, then makes a science out of
*   destroying life.
*   The Biblical view is perfectly consistent with what we observe of man's
*   behavior. Created in the image of God, man is creative, intelligent,
*   noble, and has a sense of morality. As a fallen creature, man ignores
*   his sense of morality, uses his creativity and intelligence to exploit
*   himself and nature, and misdirects his nobility resulting in pride,
*   prejudice, and power struggle. When Galileo showed his telescope to the
*   senators of Florence, Italy, their immediate reaction was, "That glass
*   will be a great advantage to us in time of war!" In this respect man
*   has not changed much. A British periodical published this little verse
*   of the Hydrogen Bomb:
*   "A pretty toy?" The Devil shook his head.
*   "I still prefer the human heart!", he said.
*   Here's a little test to see if man is inherently good or evil. Raise up
*   a child, give him no instruction as he grows, and observe his behavior.
*   You will see that no one ever had to teach a child to misbehave!

As someone else said, that is because there are many more "bad" things one
can do than "good", so statistically your conclusion might be valid.  But I
don't think so.  What makes a person act in a good fashion?  What makes
societies form rules based on "good"?  (i.e., actions not harmful to
others).  What does that mean "no instruction as he grows"?  Left alone,
without the interaction of others, a child might grow up solely seeking his/her
own best interests.  Put the child in an environment with others (not his/her
parents, who may choose to spoil and indulge him/her and thus truly "spoil"
the child's upbringing), and see how long the child takes to learn what it
takes to live with other people.  Perhaps, like a microcosm of human history,
the children will at first fight until the point where they realized (as some
elements of humanity have throughout history) what cooperation and respect for
other people mean.

Moreover, let's look at your definition of "misbehave".  No one had to teach
the child to do what felt good and what was in its best self-interests.  In a
world where the child was by himself/herself, what is "evil" about that?  Of
course, the child is not alone in the world.  It is in relation to behavior
towards others that behavior that HARMS other people can be considered evil. 
Every organism on the planet acts in its best interests.  Is a predator evil
for killing and eating its prey?  If anything could be said at all about
humanity's good and evil, the fact that humans can seek out a longer term good
for more people bespeaks our "good" side.

My thanks to all those who sent me a copy of Dan's article.  I'd still like
to hear what he has to say directly about all our comments on his "pamphlet".
Does he still intend to publish it after all we've said?  Can we thus assume
that its purpose is not to provide objective evidence but to "convince" those
who want to be convinced.  (Not exactly the hardest job in the world.)

By the way, I understand that Dan wrote another article (<339@scgvaxd.UUCP>??)
on other aspects of the objective evidence debate.  I would appreciate it
if someone (hopefully the author) would send me a copy of that.  Thanks in
advance.  (I have to wonder why people who yell at me and call me all sorts
of heinous things would WANT to send me an article knowing that I'm going to
respond to it more than likely in a way they're not likely to like.  I didn't
know masochism was so rampant. But thanks. :-)
"Do I just cut 'em up like regular chickens?"    Rich Rosen    ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Rich Rosen) (07/08/85)

>>   Who would paint such a picture of man as we find in scripture. Man's
>>   tendency is to either exalt himself above what he is or reduce himself
>>   below his true nature. [BOSKOVICH]

>As seen, in fact, in the Bible, which clearly does both at the same time!
>"Man (sic) was made in the image of god, the flower of his (sic) creation,
>destined to have dominion over the earth."  If that's not overexalting, what
>is?  The very basis of this sort of religious thinking is to impose upon
>oneself a feeling of self-importance:  in a natural world of natural events,
>it's nice to think that a god is controlling things and watching over YOU. 
>Ironically, at the same time, the image of a vengeful god telling humans what
>to do and punishing those who "disobey" is prevalent.  Such an image is
>clearly a self-imposed one involving a negative self-worth regarding one's
>species:  man is evil, he must be controlled and told what to do by an
>external judgin entity.  Who would paint such a picture?  People with a very
>cockeyed sense of what humanity and the universe are all about. [ROSEN]

* 			     Man: A Paradox
*   Allow me to clarify the biblical position of the nature of man. Man is
*   a paradox, on one hand noble, on the other hand depraved.
*   This paradox has led to two contrasting but erroneous views of man.

Well, those words "noble" and "depraved" are sure laced with subjective
judgment there.  Who defines noble?  Depraved?  If you get right back to your
own bible (that which you're trying to prove), you haven't said anything.

*   The lower view of man presents him as being nothing more than material
*   substance and chemical processes. This is demonstrated through modern
*   psychology's "behaviorism", which regards man as another animal.
*   The higher view holds that man has a divine spark which needs only to
*   be fanned into a flame of goodness, enabling him to master his own
*   nature and effect his own salvation. This view is popular among the
*   Eastern religions but not exclusively.

Now hold on!  The "lower" view is only "lower" when held up in comparison to
that "higher" view.  And what is that higher view?  Why, it's called
"anthropocentrism", that old standby of those who proclaim humanity as the
center of the universe, because they'd like to think of them (i.e., themselves)
that way.  (Motivations for that I'll leave to the psychological minded among
us.)  In other words, wishful thinking.  The so-called lower view is only
"low" with respect to this wishful thinking "higher" view.  "Nothing more than"
what makes up the rest of the universe.  This "higher" view is held by people
for whom that view is "not enough" for their tastes.  Is there any reason to
hold such a view other than anthropocentrism?  Is there any evidence to support

*   The Christian view takes both into consideration. Lost in the vastness
*   of the universe, man is nothing, but, as the object of God's care
*   and concern, man is everything.

Another example of the wishful thinking school of justification.  Lost in the
vastness of the universe, humans might see themselves as "nothing" (depending
on their perspective---with respect to our immediate surroundings, none of us
is nothing, but in the universe as a whole we are less significant, yet somehow
still having an effect on our surroundings).  Does that mean that because
someone feels that way, there MUST be a deity who, through its "care and
concern" makes that person feel like "everything"?

*   This paradox is evident throughout man's history. Man builds up cities,
*   bombs them to bits, then proceeds to rebuild them out of the rubble.
*   Man makes undreamed-of scientific advances, then makes a science out of
*   destroying life.
*   The Biblical view is perfectly consistent with what we observe of man's
*   behavior. Created in the image of God, man is creative, intelligent,
*   noble, and has a sense of morality. As a fallen creature, man ignores
*   his sense of morality, uses his creativity and intelligence to exploit
*   himself and nature, and misdirects his nobility resulting in pride,
*   prejudice, and power struggle. When Galileo showed his telescope to the
*   senators of Florence, Italy, their immediate reaction was, "That glass
*   will be a great advantage to us in time of war!" In this respect man
*   has not changed much. A British periodical published this little verse
*   of the Hydrogen Bomb:
*   "A pretty toy?" The Devil shook his head.
*   "I still prefer the human heart!", he said.
*   Here's a little test to see if man is inherently good or evil. Raise up
*   a child, give him no instruction as he grows, and observe his behavior.
*   You will see that no one ever had to teach a child to misbehave!

As someone else said, that is because there are many more "bad" things one
can do than "good", so statistically your conclusion might be valid.  But I
don't think so.  What makes a person act in a good fashion?  What makes
societies form rules based on "good"?  (i.e., actions not harmful to
others).  What does that mean "no instruction as he grows"?  Left alone,
without the interaction of others, a child might grow up solely seeking his/her
own best interests.  Put the child in an environment with others (not his/her
parents, who may choose to spoil and indulge him/her and thus truly "spoil"
the child's upbringing), and see how long the child takes to learn what it
takes to live with other people.  Perhaps, like a microcosm of human history,
the children will at first fight until the point where they realized (as some
elements of humanity have throughout history) what cooperation and respect for
other people mean.

Moreover, let's look at your definition of "misbehave".  No one had to teach
the child to do what felt good and what was in its best self-interests.  In a
world where the child was by himself/herself, what is "evil" about that?  Of
course, the child is not alone in the world.  It is in relation to behavior
towards others that behavior that HARMS other people can be considered evil. 
Every organism on the planet acts in its best interests.  Is a predator evil
for killing and eating its prey?  If anything could be said at all about
humanity's good and evil, the fact that humans can seek out a longer term good
for more people bespeaks our "good" side.

My thanks to all those who sent me a copy of Dan's article.  I'd still like
to hear what he has to say directly about all our comments on his "pamphlet".
Does he still intend to publish it after all we've said?  Can we thus assume
that its purpose is not to provide objective evidence but to "convince" those
who want to be convinced.  (Not exactly the hardest job in the world.)

By the way, I understand that Dan wrote another article (<339@scgvaxd.UUCP>??)
on other aspects of the objective evidence debate.  I would appreciate it
if someone (hopefully the author) would send me a copy of that.  Thanks in
advance.  (I have to wonder why people who yell at me and call me all sorts
of heinous things would WANT to send me an article knowing that I'm going to
respond to it more than likely in a way they're not likely to like.  I didn't
know masochism was so rampant. But thanks. :-)