[net.religion] "Secular Humanism" banned in th

george@sysvis (09/27/85)

Bob and Ray, Rich and Ray, whomever:
To argue back and forth about "ideals" of planned parenthood centers does
nothing to solve the real original problems that were being addressed.  For
an example:  A young girl goes to a PP center and receives the pill.  She
is not aware of the dire consequences that can occur in HER body chemistry
if the pill is misused (not abused).  The same young lady develops a near
fatal blood clot by a chemistry combination of smoking & the pill.  I don't
believe that the PP center is responsible enough medically to examine the
youngster on a regular basis to see if problems devlop.  The PP center has
no record of the youngster's health history.  I personally know a family
that this very thing happened to.  The youngster acquired pills unbeknownst
to her parents, who at least could have counseled her on the medical, moral,
and legal issues.  I have no objection to PP centers, in the form of family
doctors, who are CAPABLE of being responsible for this sort of thing.  Morali-
ty is not the question, life is the question.  I could include some other
scenarios about abortion clinics, but the main issue is that life is not
handled with idealistic dogmas or committee decisions.  All scenarios can
only be handled by responsible people, making their own decisions.

The very minute that some self-righteous bigot in the guise of morals,
government, religion, good-of-the-people, ideal-answer, etc. steps in
we immediately have an improper imposition on the lives of PEOPLE.  People
ARE self-responsible in this world (except for those that are verifiably
sick) and ARE capable of making the correct decisions within their own
contexts.  Which one of you self-righteous people is going to solve other
people's lives for them?  You are both attempting to do so, by your own
words.  People are alive and of this world, they are not theoretical
constructs that are to be manipulable by the cognoscenti.  Let's dicusss
issues that are of some real value here, like getting the government out
of the day-to-day affairs of people and back into fixing the streets so
that people can use them without injurious effect to their cars.  Moral
decisions are not the responsibility of either the government or any church,
they are the responsibility of those involved in the situation.  Neither
of you is being posted in the papers as the world's ne-plus-ultra example
of personal living morality, so forget trying to interfere with others.
