[net.religion] The Fish

wjr@frog.UUCP (STella Calvert) (02/14/86)

In article <77700001@hpfclg.UUCP> neutron@hpfcla.UUCP writes:
>I keep seeing ads for businesses that have a stylized fish somewhere
>in the ad.  Presumably this means: "I am a Christian.  Buy from me,
>other Christians".  This strikes me as really lousy.  What if I placed
>an ad and made sure to include "(white person)" at the end?

I hope I'm wrong about this, but I've NEVER seen that symbol in a ad
for a black-owned business, and the reaction of one "fishy" apartment
rental agency when I turned out to have a black apartment-mate, makes
me wonder . . . .

Please don't flame me, I'd LIKE to be wrong about this one.

				STella Calvert

		Every man and every woman is a star.

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