[net.philosophy] Re - How to Save the World

arnold (04/06/83)

     I have a few comments, additions and replies to Jan D. Wolter's article
on how to save the world. Following will be a brief and somewhat modified
description of what Jan said and then my reply. (refer to net.politics)

J.W. - Nuclear weapons are scary. On the other hand,, we've had them around
       for some 30 years without anyone using a single one. In fact, we've
       pretty much avoided really big wars for that period. The situation,
       up to now, has been fairly stable. Unilateral disarment is risky
       because it puts us on unknown ground.

Response - I most hardily agree with the first statement, Nuclear HOLOCOST is
       very scary! Studies on the ozone show that if the U.S. released just
       one tenth of its nuclear arsenal on Russia that 1/4th of the ozone would
       be disrupted, eventually causing the death of most life on earth. VERRY
       SCARRY!!!!! The second statement is true, we've had them around for 
       quite a while, and the longer they continue to exist the more we tempt
       the fate of an accidental launch or detonation. I've read some scant
       literature that some statistician calculated that we've already defied
       the odds on just one accident. The longer they exist and the more we
       manufacture the longer we will continue to play this game of Russian
       Roulette with the human race. As for the statement "things are fairly
       stable," I couldn't disagree more. 1/4 of the worlds nations are 
       currently involved in some type of armed conflict. If you're refering
       to the military state of the U.S. it is true that we have not been in
       a "War," but the price for this insecure stability will be paid sooner
       or later. The last statement is pure ignorance! What unilateral 
       disarment does is assure that future generations will be around to
       enjoy life, not necessarily a good one but never the less life. Who
       cares if they get us conventionally at least it is not 
       Armagaden (spelling). 

J.W. - The way we got into this situation was a slow bilateral build-up. The
       safest way out is a slow bilateral reduction. This keeps us on pretty
       much safe gound. Any other strategy could make the situation worse.

Response - The last statement above says that the only non-worsening strategy
       is bilateral reduction. I believe that even a bilateral reduction can
       make the situation worse. Any situation is risky. I would venture to say
       that bilateral reduction would be the most popular choice of action and
       maybe (who knows?) the best. I contend that any reduction would be an
       improvement, one less chance of starting the Jihad. (Dune Fans)

J.W. - What this comes down to, is that the nuclear protesters are doing
       more to hinder nuclear disarment than to help it. They apply pressure
       to the government to find a solution, while at the same time making
       it impossible to achieve one.

Response - I will not take a stand on protesters, but I don't think they're
       hindering the process any more than the patriotic militaristic person.
       Preasure is being applied at the extreems by two minorities, not just
       by protesters. Who is to say that preasure is being applied at all
       considering that it is being applied by a small minority, now if you
       were saying that most of the nation was protesting, then I would 
       agree with you. But I personally don't think that the people who feels
       this assumed preasure are listening to the two hundred protesters
       out at Rocky Flats. (In Colorado)

J.W. - By introducing the Pershing missiles in Europe we are moving more
       in the right direction of disarament than the nuclear protesters.

Response - This strange loop speaks for itself.

J.W. - How about rallying in support of Reagan's initiative, instead of in

Response - The more nuclear weapons we produce the higher our chances of
       ivoking a Nuclear Holocost. The only way to lessen the chance of the
       dreaded Holocost is to disarm. One side, both sides, any side. The
       less number of weapons the less chance of starting something that 
       either side can, and would, finish. I don't want to see the entire
       human race go down the drain and our world destroyed because of 
       idologically political bickering. Our main concern should be the
       continuation of man, not the endurance of the U.S.A. or U.S.S.R.!!!
       (and progress of man)

Sorry for the length. I have just put on my asbestos flack jacket so you
may now flame away!!! Thank you Jan D. Wolter and hope you come up with some
appropriate responses. As for all you other political animals, if your way
is right and you can prove it to me, I'll be happy to advocate it. Reference
is made to strange loops, please refer to the book "Godel, Escher Bach written
by Douglas Hofstatler (spelling)."

				  Ed (they call me flame) Arnold