[net.philosophy] debating definitions

trc@houti.UUCP (T.CRAVER) (08/12/83)

Response to Byron Howes:

I agree that the debate seems to be getting bogged down, and that definitions
are part of it.  However, I think that a big part is that we are actually
trying to run several debates in parallel here.  

Unfortunately, I dont agree that "self-renunciation" is adequate to describe
what I am talking about.  True, the altruist renounces self, but there is
more to it than that.  The concept I am talking about involves  self-
renunciation for the purpose of benefiting others, which is [without any
justification from reality] declared to be moral.  In other words, I am 
talking about the moral system which declares actions to be moral solely
by virtue of their being for others, and which disallows from morality any 
motivation or purpose for one's self.  If someone can come up with a better 
word for this, I will gladly use it.  I think, however, that I have given 
a satisfactory proof of "altruism" referring to this concept.  

I am getting rather tired of this argument - I have other stuff I want to do.  
As a result, I will probably stop answering most points, unless they have 
significant new points to them.  I will leave it mostly up any interested 
net readers (are there any left?) to figure out when an attack is off base.
(Opponents are hear by notified that silence does not mean consent.)

In any case, thanks for a generally insightful and fair minded note, Byron.

	(Suffering from typer's cramp...)
	Tom Craver