[net.philosophy] AI & philosophy

rapaport@sunybcs.UUCP (William J. Rapaport) (01/24/84)

I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy at  SUNY Fredonia, currently
working on an MS in Comp. Sci. at SUNY Buffalo.  I have taught Phil. of
AI, and Cognitive Science at both institutions.  I'd be happy to discuss
philosophy and AI/Comp. Sci., trade syllabi, etc.  But mysticism (see
previous net.philosophy messages) is NOT philosophy as I do it; in fact,
mysticism should probably be left to a net.mysticism.  Comments?

Newsgroups: net.philosophy

colonel@sunybcs.UUCP (George Sicherman) (01/26/84)

Exclude mysticism from philosophy?

No, mysticism has serious implications for media study as
it bears on philosophy - in particular for oral-cultural
world models (such as the "Global Village") as contrasted
with written- and especially print-cultural world models
(such as the "Gutenberg Galaxy").  No philosophy is complete
without considering it.

Interestingly, it appears that science and mysticism, those
old enemies, have gone so far in their own directions that
they are meeting again at the other side of the universe.
Observe, for instance, the rising popularity of Zen among
logicians and cyberneticians.  Perhaps the limits of the
scientific method have already been reached?

			Col. George Sicherman