[net.philosophy] Reagan's Union of the State

rsl@ihnss.UUCP (Richard $. Latimer) (01/26/84)

            Reagan's Union of the State: 1984

Ronald Reagan's Union of the State message to congress on 1/25/84
was yet another step toward the "brave new world of Orwell's '1984"
(the date may be a little early for some parts of the world).  The
issue, of course, is still individualism versus Statism.

Reagan's speech was a clear example of Orwell's "new-speak" in a
thinly-veiled disguise.  The words and the rhetoric were advocating
"freedom and individualism and justice and peace";  the proposed
actions were demanding "coercion and Statism and injustice and
confrontation" (not totalitarianism yet, but in that general

The Rhetoric of Freedom:  "land of the free", "freedom of belief and
  faith", "less government controls", "reduced bureaucracy", "lower
  taxes", "reduced deficit", "less paperwork", "peace-seeking
  efforts", "more government protection of rights", "deregulation and
  free competition", "less crime", etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, ...

The Actions of Coercion:  greater funding(taxes) for bureaus (EPA,
  NASA, IRS, ...), more expenditures(taxes) for "aid" to Latin
  America and elsewhere, promotion & subsidization(thru taxes) of 
  "family and god-fearing values", no reduction is coercive
  "entitlements" management, compulsory praying in compulsory 
  "public" schools, new funds(taxes) for new bi-partisan(other
  non-party views ignored) "education" studies, commitment(taxes) to
  a "manned" government space station by 1994, more(taxes) massive
  over-kill military defense and offense to "ensure peace",
  continued heavy taxation and deficit spending with promised "lower
  rates of increase"(thru IRS coercion and fraudulent currency
  devaluation), more coercion toward dissidents to conform and
  sacrifice their dictated quotas toward state goals, more
  centralized presidential power thru selective over-ride veto,
  increased funding(taxes) for domestic and foreign policing (CIA,
  FBI, IR_SS, ..., in order to control "violations"), compulsory
  child-bearing for the pregnant, compulsory allegiance to "the god
  who uniquely blessed America" (as interpreted by government officials),
  etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, ...