rsl@ihnss.UUCP (08/25/84)
Recent elitist and linguistically slippery "philosophizing" herein on "mind/body, epistemology, and rights" led me to the following quotes, which some may like. ____________________________________________________________ _P_h_i_l_o_s_o_p_h_y, _E_x_c_e_l_l_e_n_c_e: "The society, which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water." -- John W. Gardner ____________________________________________________________ _O_b_j_e_c_t_i_v_i_s_m, _I_n_d_i_v_i_d_u_a_l_i_s_m: "They say that it is hard for men to agree. You'd be surprised how easy it is -- when both parties hold as their moral absolute that neither exists for the sake of the other and that reason is their only means of trade." -- Ayn Rand ____________________________________________________________