[net.philosophy] transpositional reality

williams@kirk.DEC (John Williams 223-3402) (08/31/84)

	I thought I would start this off without the greater than 
signs. This helps avoid the `` endless quote syndrome ''. We seem 
to have beaten this thing into the ground, anyways. If you wish 
to quote me ( which I consider a form of flattery ), Jim, please 
do not include this paragraph. I will say, however, that I do 
prefer being responded to paragraph by paragraph, I consider it 
an attempt at accuracy and it shows a certain respect by not 
quoting me out of context. Enough side tracking.

	I presented a philosophy that doesn't so much attempt to 
explain the differences between reality and perspective, as much 
as I was trying to establish a philosophical means of measuring 
this difference. A flexable protocol is nessesary if we are to 
talk intelligently. Our life systems are inherently sequential 
and we are faced with the problem of expressing an analogue 
universe using symbols. This is a matter of resolution. We need 
to maintain a level of accuracy when descibing reality. What I 
propose is this:

	Understanding the nature of opposite extremes is 
fundamental in the discussion of philosophy. In a great number of 
philosophical books, these extremes seem to be defined in such a 
way that common words take on unusable meanings in ordinary life.
Sentences begin to lose their realistic validity. This is an 
extreme that I wish to identify.

	In the presence of a pure logician, what I am discussing 
may appear to be pure exaggeration. Defining words to have very 
exact precise meanings is the foundation of logic and other forms 
of systematic language. This, however, is a serious problem in 
reality, because none of these words will match a real condition.

	If, however, these words were to define certain boudaries
of a particular symbol, then one only has to choose a word with 
the closest meaning. Sentences would then connect these symbols 
with words that would define boundaries for the binding strength.
For example:

I know the sky is blue.
I think the sky is blue.
I don't know what color the sky is.
I don't think the sky is blue.
I know the sky isn't blue.

	There are two symbols, sky and blue, that I wish to 
establish an association with. What I showed was the various 
strengths of interconnection between them. At the top, strong 
connection is expressed, at the bottom, weak connection is 
expressed. There is a homogenous middle where nothing is stated 
except for the speaker's ignorance.

It will absolutely, positively, be there overnight.
It will positively be there overnight.
It will be there overnight.
It should be there overnight.
It may be there overnight.
It will be there soon.
It may be there soon.
It will get there.
It might get there.
It will be lost.

	This is a demonstration of the various ways of 
quantisizing how long it will take to ship a package. You may 
already recognize it from Federal Express. ( no ad intended )

	This introduces the concept of wishful thinking, and in 
particular, good and bad. To say that something is either good or 
bad is inherently emotional. The concept of resolution may be at 
first unappealing to you for it's lack of precise definitions. It 
does not attempt to define points as much as it defines space.
A virgin mind is a homogeneous symbol. As this mind is developed, 
it resolves reality to increasingly detailed features. This is in 
opposition to entropy. What I am saying is that the words we have 
chosen to represent extremes may also be used to describe the 
uncertain reality as long as we are willing to take some time to 
establish this context. If there is contrast, then there is a 
difference that can be studied in order to reach greater 
resolution. One of the important protocols to establish is that 
we recognize the way in which communication works, and the 
limitations of this particular media. A negative reaction on your 
part implies to me that there is a complex difference between our 
styles of thought and the protocols we choose to communicate 
with. I then decide whether or not I wish to spend the time to 
resolve this problem with you. I certainly am not forced to 
discuss this with you, and will not if I feel that we might have 
to resort to less graceful measures. This is partially a 
judgement of your personality, and a judgement of mine.

	In light of the topic of resolution, you could of course 
refuse it's existence, thereby refusing to resolve this with me, 
and fullfill your own prophesy. But in my mind, the matter would 
be resolved. I would understand that there is no way I can force 
you to accept this.

	I am in a universe that is open only to influence, and 
not direct, absolute control. As I achieve greater levels of 
resolution, I am better able to percieve this, and better able to 
influence it to my best advantage.

	I am interested in what you know,( <- there's that word 
again ) and am willing to exchange ideas and help to establish a 
high resolution protocol. The precise definitions established by 
isolated philosophers is an extreme I wish to identify. It 
requires a degree of specialization that is becoming more and 
more dangerously overspecialized. It is important to remember the 
value of metaphor, and to adjust the protocol in order to keep a 
solid foundation with the common language. This will require some 
effort and verbosity, but the end result is more descriptive.
It seems like a natural step to take, identifying the extremes, 
and then agreeing on something somewhere in the middle. After 
that is done, reality can be brought into closer perspective.
Resolution is then the way of transcendental articulation.

	I am looking forward to your response.

			----{ john williams }----

(UUCP)		{decvax, ucbvax, allegra}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-kirk!williams
(ARPA)		williams%kirk.DEC@decwrl.ARPA