[net.philosophy] Socialism -- Response to Myers

mck@ratex.UUCP (Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan) (01/23/85)

>About a year ago, some one brought up von Mises in this group.  Perhaps it was
>you, Dan.

Nope; I wasn't on the net back then, and I'm riding shockwaves now.

>           Here's one bombast who went to the library, took it out, and paged
>through it for an hour or so.  Wasn't overly impressed with his arguments.

Wow! Then do what no Socialist before you has been able to do: refute it!  It
would guarantee you a doctorate in economics, and the overwhelming respect of
European economists.  Not to mention the gratitude that would be showered upon
you by your fellow Socialists.

>What socialists praised his work?  Bernstein, probably.

Oskar Lange: 'it was his powerful challenge that forced the socialists to
recognize the importance of an adequate system of economic accounting to guide
the allocation of resources in a socialist economy.' ('On the Economic Theory
of Socialism').  If there's a good reason, I can dig-up other references, but
you must understand that my library is rather large and frighteningly

                                        Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan