gwhawkins@watrose.UUCP (gwhawkins) (03/31/85)
A more down to earth question here. The Jews, Christians, and Muslims (sp?) have one God; The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Norse, and North American Indian Tribes and the Hindus have many gods; and the Buddhists have the Buddha who (in some contexts such as the Bodisatva(sp?) ) has attained almost Godlike status. WHY??? Do we all have an inborn need to have direction externally imposed on our lives? Is this a response to the unknown and unkowable in our world? Are they all just rationalizations that help us live with ourselves? Are they all real? larry fast (Universty of Waterloo) broadcasting from exile
gwhawkins@watrose.UUCP (gwhawkins) (03/31/85)
My personal view is that All of these faiths are real. No faith is better than another. Each belongs to the individual and each individual is his own universe. Never mind 12 dimensional spaces to describe overlapping universes; My universe overlaps your's and your's mine. Have a nice day Larry Fast