[net.philosophy] One God, Many Justifications.

williams@kirk.DEC (John Williams 223-3402) (06/05/85)

>      Actually, I thought that a lot of the humanitarian effort,
> especially  in  third  world  areas, was initiated by organized
> religion.  You  may  want  to  claim  that  their  reasons  for
> starting  this  action  are inauthentic (ie.  proselytization),
> but I think there are a fair number of religious  organizations
> are  concerned  about  their  existence  "now  as  a  citizen".
> However, shouldn't this discussion be in net.religion?

     Yes, but it is unfortunate that science and  religion  can't
agree  on  more.   Perhaps if religion saw itself more as serving
people than making people serve " God ", we would all  be  better
off.  I think reform is in order.

>      There is an alternative here that I don't see anyone  else
> discussing.   There is such a thing as un-dimentional, not zero
> dimentional (a point), or infinitely dimentional, but a mode of
> existance  in which the concept is meaningless.  As an example,
> look at mass.  When I say that a force has no mass, am I really
> saying   that   the  mass  is  zero?   Maybe  Gd  exists  in  a
> non-dimentional non-universe.  How many dimentions do  emotions
> have?

>         BTW, why must there be a finite hierarchy?

>         Why must there be "substance"?  What kind of substance,
> premordial,  or Gd's?  I don't understand what you mean, or why
> this statement nessecitates the existence of either.

     Undimensional is zerodimensional.  ( It doesn't work like an
UNcola  )  Dimension  is  the  fundamental  element of existence.
Substance implies some form of media.  The top of  the  hierarchy
is  where  the  media  is  a relationship of dimensions.  A lower
level is a relationship of phenomena that are  a  result  of  the
relationship  of dimensions, for example, a computer program.  To
say that we are not on the top level hierarchy is to say that  we
exist   in  some  form  of  mechanism  constructed  in  a  higher
dimension.  It is only this type of environment that would  allow
divine  intervention.   We  are  unable,  however,  to  find  any
smallest unit of measurement, which implies that we  exist  in  a
relationship of continuous dimensions.

     Furthermore, the universe exhibits statisically  predictable
behavior,  which  implies that there is a uniform relationship of
unknown origin, and further implies  that  the  universe  has  an
unsymetrical  imperfection  which  propagates from the origin.  I
should clarify what I mean  by  origin.   By  origin  I  mean  an
arbitrary  coordinate  along a common dimension where the initial
state is given as defined.  As a simplified example, zero is  the
origin   at   y=0   for   the  relationship  y=x2,  although  the
relationship is continuous and  has  no  actual  place  where  it

     I  don't  believe  that  the  term  undimensional  has   any
significant  difference with the term zerodimensional.  What I am
saying is that the dimensions  are  arbitrary,  that  they  don't
necessarily    exist   in   anything,   except   a   mathematical
relationship.  The function y=x2 exists, but we don't  happen  to
exist  inside  of  it.   It  is  possible, however, that we exist
inside a more complex function.

     So, it's possible that nothing is something, after all.

                          John Williams

          < This symbol stands for fill in the blank >